Hello! My name is ProductionInferno, or you can call me Infen.
I've played spiral knights for over 2 years now. I've joined a couple of guilds before and finally decided to make a guild run by me and my friends:
We just started fresh on 31 march of 2014!
Eternal Legion is a guild meant for knights to help each other and have fun. We aim for a friendly guild with no beggers in the guild, since we help each other. We respect each other (except me and Samanthalolz to Persona-Izanagi, lol) and will always be friendly to everyone!
Our Activities daily
I'm always the most active in the guild, Samanthalolz plays every week or so, while Persona-Izanagi plays rarely, Bblockscape can be counted as "Active" since he plays usually once every 2-3 days.
-We usually do Vana in a regular basis just to hone our skills and.. well... earn money.
-We rarely do lockdown but I'm working on GvG Lockdowns :)
-Troll Persona-Izanagi everytime he joins our party (You guys can do that too)
-Usually we help each other in each other's missions. Which is one of the reasons why I created this guild in the first place!
So, Infen, How do I join your Guild?
Well, you just have to answer a few questions and you should be qualified!
1.) How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? (You can give the date)
2.) How active are you? How many times do you play in a week?
3.) Do you beg?
4.) Do you like Cookies?
5.) Do you pledge to troll Persona-Izanagi if you meet him? (Just answer yes, lololol)
6.) What's Your Gear?
7.) (Optional) How old are you?
8.) Would you rather be blown by a cow or blow a cow?
9.) What's your gender?
10.) Can you feel the love tonight? <3 <3 <3
i'd like to join after all iv probobly joined and left like 9 guilds( im defendor elite)