Just recently i checked the wiki. It has had its images returned although there are still a few missing images. But i am just glad that my major source of SK info (Aside the forum :3) has illiterally "resurrected"
The ressurection of the wiki
Sat, 04/05/2014 - 19:14
Sun, 04/06/2014 - 08:59
temporary technical glitch
The image problem was a temporary technical glitch. It had nothing to do with us editors. We just waited around for Three Rings to fix whatever dumb thing was broken. But it's good to know that players do care, yes.
Sir-Onox, you left out Katmint. :)
Glad that people read the wiki and are curious about the articles. Players like Novaster, Acies, Jdavis and me (sorry if I miss someone) are trying to update and improve the wiki almost every day.
Again, thank you so much!