i want a new gun how do i earn orbs like advanced orbs
i did all the advanced orb missions
how do i earn advanced orbs
Before you even search the forums, you should read the wiki page "Rarity", to learn where rarities such as these are found.
Then, if you make a thread about a topic like this, please mention which wiki pages you have read, to save the people helping you some effort. Thanks.
Edit: This post may have sounded harsh. I'm not trying to scold you. I'm just trying to help you learn about the game efficiently. Cheers.
Perhaps someone should convince Posideon (The GM who created the Forum Rules sticky) to revise his post to *NOT* suggest using the Forum Search engine but rather use Google with some examples of 'how' such as folks have in posts (repeatedly) after the fact. It just seems that everyone would benefit from not using the Forum Search (which tends to return posts with any of the words in the phrase, least relevant first) and just jump directly to Google and get the results they desire. If it is broken, or at least doing more harm than good, it should be disabled or at least strongly discouraged.
It is not like new players are not *trying* to search and read the wiki first, it is just that the search engine doesn't work, and the wiki needs 20 more active users contributing to it to have the level of info we are looking for (to which this MMO wiki is not alone - and better than many).
Sorry, just observing frustration on both the side of the poster and the responder that need not exist.
you can find them as rare drops from boxes, or buy them from the supply depot.
there are a bunch of posts with this topic, so next time, please look for one before you start a new post