Sticky Review

Dutifully reading the stickied forum posts .... some are badly outdated. Should they not be reviewed and possibly un-stickied if they are more than 6 months old or speak of problems long since resolved (I'm thinking the one from 2011)? Just wondering...

I was referring to the first for Sticky forum posts, all by Equinox. The last entry for any of them was July of 2013, now 9 months ago. If things needed review, they were reviewed or nobody cared. If someone needed help, they either got the help or nobody cared. Wiki problems cited in the one post are no longer 'current' and so the thread should at least be un-stickied.
I can't imagine what your processes for this wiki are (my only experience is with the Pirates of the Burning Sea and Elder Scrolls (UESP) wikis, one if which has loose and the other very formal processes in place). But old posts about things to do serve little purpose and should be either updated on a quarterly basis, or released to the wilds of the forum heirarchy.
Obviously there are areas of the wiki that need help, no community of wiki editors ever gets completely caught up (the nature of the beast), but I don't see any usefulness in any of the stickied posts except the rules. But that is just me :-)
Yeah, the forums do need some attention from the game masters. You could help them more by mentioning specific problems on specific pages.