So yeah, i've had seen this numerous times but this was the first time the choices were like that:
EDIT: a little offtopic; found another cool screenshot
"Make your choice."
What is with all the Grim Sparks in T1 now? I'm really liking these easy undead strata :D I got 4 Grim Sparks from a D1 danger room yesterday, could hardly believe it. The Dread Skelly Charm will soon be mine mwhahaha!
I would pick the heat since heat is yummy nom nom nom
I still smile every time I encounter a choice map. Stroke of brilliance on the developers' part. I always hesitate when the choice is green treasure boxes or red treasure boxes (not heart ones, duh).
@ Elegies:
In those cases, are there the same number of red treasure boxes as green ones?
I saw this the other day and had to grin at the Dev.s. I had Hearts Vs. [Green] Trasure, and it made me smile. Excellent addition to any level.
This has been in the game for a while now... and you always pick the treasure.
Yeah, same number of red and green boxes. The wiki says red boxes typically have more crowns/heat than green, though.
I wonder if one has a higher chance of dropping tokens/equips? Has there been data collected on it?
Easy-crowns Especially since you are so low. First time I have seen that to.