How do I make bullet points?

I've seen some people use HTML tags to make bullet points in their threads and on the wiki.
How do I make a bullet point?
Thanks in advance,

Thanks! Is it the same code to get the bullet spaced away from the forums page, or is it a different tag?
One more question, how do I change a full link (on forums) into a single word? For instance, how do I change the link to my Steam profile into a single word, e.g ''My profile''.

Bullets on wiki pages are normally an asterisk "*" unless this is using some odd dialect

I'm wondering about the forums. How do I get the bullet point that isn't touching the border?

- You mean like this?
You need to encase your list items in unordered lists. So do this, but replacing the square brackets with angle brackets:
[li]You mean like this?[/li]
[li]Here's another.[/li]
[li]And a third, for good luck.[/li]

- You mean like this?
- Here's another.
- And a third, for good luck.
Thanks guys! This helps a ton. :D
For the forums,
with "(" changed to "<" and ")" changed to ">"
For the wiki, it is slightly easier to "copy" formatting, since you can view the page source. Tags are different there, and it is best to look at an example.