☛ Gods! Recruiting Members! ☚
Welcome to the God’s forum recruitment page! This is the page where you can find out the requirements to join our fine guild. The rules/requirements are fast and simple ❢
About Gods
✦Gods is one of the youngest guild but surely not the weakest. Founded by Count, Aandy and Talism. We are building our way to the top, we might not be a big guild, but we judge our members by personality rather than gear. We believe with enough support we can make the guild into something well known throughout the SK community. We are heavily based on merchanting and we host Mission and Prestige Mission runs to help out our fellow guildies. We have quite the experience with merchanting and ways to help you become a better player as well as a smarter merchant❢
Requirements For Gods
- Defender Elite & Up ✔
- No Begging ✔
- Polite and Respectful to Others ✔
- Stay Active ✔
What do Gods do?
Gods is newly formed guild that is focused on merchanting. We welcome newcomers that have an interest in learning the tips and tricks in becoming a successful merchant. With our guidance and knowledge we can teach you! In addition, we help players complete their missions and go on runs every now and then. For the ones already experience merchanter, you're probably wondering why join Gods? Gods will not only help out newcomers but will also help you find buyers of your items!
Application For Gods
1. What is Your Knight’s Name (IGN)?
2. How old are you? (optional)
3. How long have you been playing SK?
4. Do you have prior knowledge of merchanting?
5. Why would you like to join Gods?
6. Add a few fun facts about yourself!
7. What is your time-zone?
Recruit - As of every guild you have to start somewhere! But don’t look to sad you’ll become a member in no time!
Member- Recruit title not fitting your style? Well good news! To become Gods member all you have to do is maintain in this guild for a week! Can’t be hard right?
Veterans- Veterans, veterans, veterans... becoming a veteran won't be as easy as a member... To preserve the focus of this guild we need to see that you can apply what you learn from us! 15k ce profit and you’ll earn yourself a shiny new badge.
Officers- You think you have what it takes to become an officer of Gods? Show us your charismatic personality and 50k ce in profit and you might just be one! In all seriousness we like to see someone that took what they learn from the guild and put it to good use.
☛Please note you are not required to be a merchant to join Gods, We function as a normal guild but our main focus is on merchanting. Like said before, to preserve this we require you to show proof of profit from merchanting in order to rank up.In no way are you required to be a merchant, as long as you have fun in the guild!☚
1) Raggaprince
2) 361.92115
3) I have actually been playing for a very long time, since the release of Snarlborlax I believe. I stopped playing Spiral Knights for a long time (about 8 months) because of a lack of a computer and only recently did I decide to start playing again, without the aid of buying Energy.
4) I do have some knowledge of merchanting, but again with this new account I am using, I have not been buying Energy so I have resorted to using some of the few techniques I know (such as holding accessories and costumes from events until they are worth more and mass-producing Flourishes and Brandishes and such, in hopes of a good UV)
5) I have not been fully immersed into merchanting as much as I would like to be, I believe I was on Aandy's Store seeing if anyone wanted to buy a Polar Twilight Wolf Hood (which is still available), when I saw a link to a merchanting guild of all things :)
6) If you hadn't noticed, I tend to ramble, some of it is on purpose, but most of it I can't help. I also like plaid.
(And if you couldn't tell, I am a jokester as well)
7)Mountain Standard Time
I hope I am at least given some though as I am not a Defender Elite like your thread explains. Though on the bright side, I did read that you judge your members on personality rather than gear. Thanks, hope I see you soon (sorry again about the rambling) :)