It seems that Dragon Scale line is specifically designed to counter that DM. But realistically, how far down that line should a Vanguard player go before it becomes more useful than a Skelly Cap/Divine Mantle? Will 3* be version enough for a casual player, or should I not bother and level it in other missions until I get 4* or even 5*?
Compound 42 Gear level
Thanks for your input! Since I don't have Mantle yet anyway... I guess I better try and level Dragon Scale to 4* before trying.
You're welcome.
By the way, I don't really recommend that you get Divine Mantle. Divine Veil is better (fiend bonus), and you'd pretty much never want to wear both. Even if you already have the 4-star version, it's not too late to stop upgrading it. Nowadays, most of the cost of making a complete 5-star item is the Radiant Fire Crystals.
Well, the 5* version gives +4 resistance to each status in C42, so that's what you're aiming for. 5* is the most effective, so you should try to go for that. 4* will be slightly less effective, and so on.
Well, that's pretty obvious, isn't it?
What I was asking about is if 4* items should be enough for a not amazingly good player. Because leveling 4* into 5* takes a lot of time, time I could spend actually doing Compound.
I don't own Dragon Scale, and I don't have detailed data to answer your question. But my impression is that the fire protection is what's really important. (That's why I wear Vog Cub in Compound 42.) Perhaps my advice is to replace Dread Skelly Mask with 3-star Dragon Scale, but wait until 4- or 5-star Dragon Scale to replace Divine Mantle.