What's your favorite new gun?

17 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Pipipipipi

Personally, I like the Gilded Griffen the most, along with Wildfire at second

Pierce blaster

Pierce blaster

Imagen de Cinoa
Fun... Is... INFINITE.

EDIT: Yeah, I should have known better -.-

Imagen de Becketta
correct place?

i believe this belongs in the testing forum, not the general disscussion.

Imagen de Jabbzz

As tempting as it is, we really shouldn't be talking about this in general discussion :/

Imagen de Datast
Please re-read the guidelines

Please re-read the guidelines for the test servers and refrain from disclosing/discussing spoilers.

Imagen de Cinoa

This doesn't make it any better, The rules say only post in this place if you have access to the Test Server...
Shoot! I broke the rules!

Imagen de Zeddy


Imagen de Blazzberry
I have no mouth and I need to scream

Winter grave. Charge shot tanking through gremlin swarms all the way to that pesky little mender who's behind them all.

I'm sorry but I just....I cry every time I think about it. I'd bear hug the person who made it like it was today.

Imagen de Hexzyle

That thing is a total lag machine lol

Imagen de Shadowstarkirby
Iron Slug

Definitely Iron Slug, it (the charge) can be used on everything and it looks beast. That charge attack wrecks everything! Literally, it's too good.

Imagen de Dibsville

Either Iron Slug or Neutralizer, hard to pick.

Imagen de Bakerrich
All of the new valiance

All of the new valiance equivalents, especially riftlocker^^

Imagen de Whimsicality

My new favorite gun used to be my least favorite, the Iron Slug. It's incredibly satisfying to see that charge attack plowing through just about everything.

Inversely, my least favorite gun used to be my favorite. Oh Biohazard, I'm gonna miss the way you used to work. But it's a worthy sacrifice.

Imagen de Addy
I'm really digging the

I'm really digging the Arcana, personally. The Grim Repeater is also very nice, probably my favorite in design, but I think I'll be using the Arcana most out of all of the new additions.

Really interested in trying the Iron Slug and Callahan, I didn't realize they were tweaked.

Imagen de Jabbzz

Im in love with the Biohazard and Neutralizer now, so happy they switched the normal attack and charge [but they need to take off the freaking screen shaking -__-]. And I am now just going to buy the Iron Slug just for that beautiful charge. The Gilded Griffen is going to be amazing to have against fiends and wolvers, and the Grim Repeater and Winter Grave just wrecks in RJK.

I dont think I have a favorite gun actually, but I do know I'm going to be adding a good amount guns after this update happens lol.

Imagen de Bamzalot
My favorites!

I will list my top 5 favorite new or improved handguns!

5. Assault Rifle 4.0 (Grim Repeater)

4. Assault Rifle (Blitz Needle)

3. Riftlocker

2. Callahan

1. Assault Rifle 2.0 (Volcanic Pepperbox)

I'm calling them assault rifles now for a reason.

Imagen de Juvon
Winter Grave :)

Winter Grave :)