Crowns & Obsidian edge

3 respuestas [Último envío]

Hello everyone! My name is Daniel as you can tell and I and a lot of people are posting about this but um i think that we should have unlimited crowns because its really annoying to sit there for like 20 minutes selling things but then that would rune the whole point of AH [Auction House] so idk i was thinking of raising the price of 5* weapons at goods vendors to 50k? maybe like so that we wouldn't spend more time selling 5* but we would spend more time in the game testing the weapons. Now onto the obsidian edge so i see that we have the obsidian edges brother gun but i see no obsidian edge in the vendors so im kinda confused and also the obsidian edge is a weapon that i kinda wanted to allays to try out but i couldn't and i thought here is my shot aannnnndd my hopes were crushed So i kinda ask and beg that you guys put the obsidian edge in there so i can have my hopes back. :D Thank you!

Imagen de The-Worst-Knight
It's enough to say that you

Enough to say that you need over 1 mil crowns for guild training room. It's much better than training room in haven.


What did you just say?!?!?!? im completely confused

Imagen de The-Worst-Knight
If you want to test weapons,

If you want to test weapons, you will go to guild training room, there are all three tiers, punching bags that present all monster families. As i said, you need over 1 million crowns for that room.