Anyone else with an Acheron?
do you all have that weird little thingy that sticks up at a 90 degree angle from the pommel of the sword... i.e. the bottom of the handle?
If this is a feature common to all Acherons (as i assume it is) what the hell is it for? what does it do? Why is it there? It sort of reminds me of a person with three arms... and one of the arms is this little, stubby, useless, atrophied, dead weight just sort of hanging there... all... creepy... and dead like... and worst of all.... Carny-like. >.>
So yeah. just my thoughts.
Yes.. the acheron is a katana.... as typified by a gently curved blade, a rounded hand-guard, and a long hilt suitable for two handed use. Yeah, I know what a katana is. Ive managed to stay in the loop of popular culture (which had/has a katana obsession) , and have seen the Matrix (all three sadly), Kill Bill 1 and 2, and Pulp Fiction... And there are katanas in all of them.
However, there is a little THING that sticks upwards out of the end of the handle on the Acheron (not all katanas), at a 90 degree angle. you cant really see it on the wiki, but it looks like a little mini hilt set at 90 degrees to the actual one you hold.... and i can figure out if its supposed to be there or not. >.>
Someone who actually has an Acheron know what im talking about?
It's actually a ribbon sticking out the back connected by a metal piece to attach it at the bottom of the handle.
Possibly a unique decoration.
For those who may be confused. (including myself)
There is no real answer unless whoever designed it can say what they thought it should be for
If anything it could be there to add strength to a sword strike when held a certain way. Not exactly sure how to describe it, it's something that would be easier if I could take a picture of me holding a replica of an Acheron, or at least something similar to that shape/design.
You would sort of ''rest your wrist'' on that angled piece with the hand you prefer to ''lead the swing'' with, gripping the hilt around that area. With the other hand holding higher up on the hilt, this lets you perform a better strike using both arms. Or for just one arm, if you gripped around that area you could extend the reach of the strike.
It helps with gripping and changing striking preferences from what I can tell, basically.
All acherons are generally mammal and thus have a reproductive organ at the end of the handle.
This explains why 2 acherons had a honey moon and gave birth to a really fat and ugly sword known as gran faust junior.

you have unused upgrades!!! great news!!! you should click [there]
@ Loki
As an amateur swordsman and practitioner of useless and obsolete techniques... i have no idea what you are talking about.
@ Letchi
This makes the most sense out of anything said so far. it conjuring up some rather gross and lewd imagery in my mind, yet it somehow makes sense. disturbing.
I -did- say it was hard for me to explain in text; would be easier with visuals.

It's to hold on to when performing a downward stab.
@ betrael
huh. that makes sense I guess. or something.

Maybe its for aesthetics.
weird, creepy aesthetics.
In ancient times Acherons were used as Ploughs (?)
Probably Ian thought it looked cool. Turns out he was wrong haaa, haaa.

Looks to me like something that was added just to give it visual bulk and interest. What puzzles me is why you're questioning this, and not the bulbous knob the size of a grapefruit bolted on near the base of the blade.

Because it's obvious that the bulbous knob is the source of the dark energy that causes the Acheron to deal so much shadow damage. It even has a purple energy symbol on it!
@ Trouserman
THIS: "Dark, sinister grapefruit
Because it's obvious that the bulbous knob is the source of the dark energy that causes the Acheron to deal so much shadow damage. It even has a purple energy symbol on it!"
this has been discussed before, and it was decided that the large...thingies, on the blade and sheath were stygian batteries of shadowy power. Yeah, Im too lazy to find the link, so youre gonna have to trust me.
it a katana