What UV's should I shoot for?

1 respuesta [Último envío]

I am probably going to go with:
Magic Hood: Normal Def, Elemental Def, +fire, +shock, -stun
Wolver Coat: Normal Def, Piercing Def, +freeze, +sword damage
Owlite Shield: Normal Def, Elemental Def, +fire, +shock

So if I go with those armors, what UV's should I shoot for? Should I try for some shadow def UV, poison UV, more fire defense UV, etc...? Or should I just try to get as many normal defense UV's as I can?

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it depends what they will end

it depends what they will end up as. if you are going with the divine veil, i suggest getting some normal defense on it. it has near max elemental and shadow, but no normal. as for the wolver coat it also depends. the owlite shield most likely would benefit from the normal as well, mainly because it is more versatile. again they all sound great. it is up to you.