WTH? About that new shield

9 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Pawn

That new shield feels a like a little bit of a slap in the face directly after making the arsenal forum and asking us for our feedback on balancing issues. Hopefully, they have plans to implement for bombs and ESPECIALLY guns that they plan on doing soon. But as is, i don't really see anywhere in our feedback that there was a general consensus that swords needed a buff from a shield *crazy face*.

It's hard to say what effect this new shield will have on armor sets with any certainty, but it seems like this is going to push us more towards homogenization of armors. On the surface, won't it make skolver less common, as now you can have vog + thorn shield to get speed and attack power increase?

Lastly, given our feedback it just feels like the new shield should have had a strong gun buff, not a sword buff. My only hope is they have bigger plans for guns (i don't use guns, but for gunners i hope...) that they want to address independently of this patch, and soon.

Legacy Username
Dunno about that...

It has piercing defense and some sword users has the tendency of being hit, comes with the front line thing you know... having something to use to defend either with higher sheild HP or high common defensive stat on a defensive item feels more important to me then extra damage with swords.

Imagen de Betrael
it should just be extra

it should just be extra damage for all weapons.

Imagen de Rommil
i think

betrael has the right of it.

My hope is that "their" thoughts was:

LETS MAKE NEW T1, T2, AND T3 CONTET. (spaced out a bit.)

T1 reward: sworder buffed.
T2 reward: bombers buffed.
T3 reward: gunners buffed.

With each successive Tier unlocking a stronger set of armors and weapons.

Imagen de Dirty-Harry
Don't think so.

I'm pretty sure they intentionally do this since they believe giving gunslingers (and bombers) the same damage boost as the sword user is unfair, considering the big difference between Skolver (Medium attack bonus, Freeze resist) vs Shadowsun (Low attack bonus, Negative Poison and Curse resists). It's pretty obvious that they want the Sword users to be the big DPS guys and the other roles as support, but I mean they could've at least put in a new gun that goes to 5* as well since they put the time in for a bomb and a sword...
(Coming from a gunslinger)

Legacy Username
gun users gets the benefit of range

gunslingers get's the benefit of the extra distance between you and the foe when applicable, making it easier to survive and dodge/block things. Bomb users get's the same benefit alittle, cept unless they time they're bombs right when kiting, they have to close the gap alittle. I beleive there is still sets in the game though they boosts both of them, but not as favorable due to they're defenses.

Legacy Username

One would assume so, but that isn't really true. Many enemies in the game can almost instantly close the gun-range gap making them difficult, if not impossible, to kite properly by a pure gunslinger. Gunslingers need proper defenses too. The current state of their defense is rather absurd.

(Coming from a bomber.)

Imagen de Cobaltstarfire
"That new shield feels a like

"That new shield feels a like a little bit of a slap in the face directly after making the arsenal forum and asking us for our feedback on balancing issues."

Really? This forum is all of six days old?

I mean I realize there has been alot of people asking for some tweaks to guns and bombs for longer than this forum has existed, but I dunno, aren't you being a little too easily annoyed by this?

Legacy Username
Gunslingers have a sheild

It's called swiftstrike. And as a gunslinger it's really good. Probably better than a + to damage one would be.

Imagen de Pawn

yeah. It's also called equipping a 3* shield. Cause that's what gunslingers need right? In addition to their crappy armor sets (by comparison) now they get a crappy shield (by comparison). To be honest, your response to the OP just pushes the differential in what gunslingers have further in the WRONG direction.