Most useful UV for Troika line/Khorovod?

I'm about to embark on finalizing the search for the UV I want for Khorovod and want to get a feel for what other people think would be most helpful for it.
Right now, I'm aiming for charge time reduction, since the most unique and powerful thing about it is the charge attack, and I think it would be fun to be able to spam it xD.
My other two choices are these, in my current order of priority:
- Fiend or beast (and between these, I can't choose - they're both annoying and hard to hit >_<; I was lucky enough to be able to craft a medium vs Gremlin one though). Basically, get a boost for something that Gran Faust and Avenger are not directly good against, so Khorovod can have a niche spot in my 3-heavy-sword inventory.
- Attack Speed. Now, I'm not really sure about boosting the attack speed of the Khorovod because at the moment, its damage is either equal to or less than GF/ Avenger and they're generally being used vs stuff.
So how about it? o.O
Is charge time reduction probably the best UV for Khorovod? Should I find one that's good against something the other two swords don't specialize in? Should I try to boost its weak point? (attack speed).
I used my Khorovod all through T2. Hitting fiends and beasts with such a slow sword is really hard/dangerous... just get a plain old Flourish, it'll rip through those mobs.
I've been searching for Troika UVs too, particularly something with an IAS High or Very High. So far I've only managed to get Damage Lows :/
I think that IAS is always useful since it is always on. IAS seems to be most noticeable on slow swords. When I equip my Swiftstrike the change is impressive, faster swings, faster blocks... super smooth.
If I lucked a good CTR, I'd totally go with that too. CTR on Khorovod would help a lot in arenas and dealing with rows of gun puppies.
Did they ever make attack speed bonuses more noticeable? I've tried using my Troika with and without a swift-strike equipped and I honestly couldn't see even the slightest amount of difference.
I had been hoping for that charge time reduction on mine, personally, but I'm thinking those are probably the hardest UV's to get. I DID however wind up with a Troika with a Medium Slime Damage, which I think is pretty fitting given the NATURE of the weapon. Think about it, slimes tend to attack en masse, clustered together, and move straight towards you without any fancy moves or hesitation or ranged attacks It's really easy to hit a whole bunch of them with each attack, so the weapon really gets to live up to its potential in terms of multiple enemy fighting, and on top of that it's much easier to keep slimes at bay with the knockback than any other critter.
You can't see the difference an IAS makes. If it was really evident, IAS would be OP. You can imagine if a Troika moved like a Cutter with IAS Max.
I did some speed tests with a DA before, the difference between no IAS and Medium IAS was about 8%. So you are looking at 4% per increase, or ~24% max speed boost.
The speed increase of a slow sword is measured in the 100s of milliseconds, undetectable when just swinging away. The difference when playing the game, however, is noticeable. Being able to swing twice in time to interrupt a zombie or more put up a shield quickly is quite useful.
Never thought I'd see someone ask this. Since I loved my old Khorovod, I'll take a shot, but as you might've gathered, it is kind of a personal preference, so results may vary.
Since you're set on the 3 heavy swords, what are you doing for armor? Are you getting full Vog to get a Very High attack speed? Swift Strike Buckler and hope your knock-back saves you from needing to have a shield? If you aren't doing any of that, I'd say IAS is pretty good to have. Heck, unless you're maxing IAS with other gear, it's still useful.
Otherwise, CTR depends on how much you actually use the charge attack. Against beasts and fiends I wouldn't see that as a large help, since those little buggers are too mobile as a general rule, but maybe you're better at the dodging and whumping with it than I. Damage bonus I'd go fiends, all the way. Beasts are just wolvers and chromalisks, and while certainly annoying, I never find them to be anywhere near as threatening as those devilite swarms, and more damage against trojans certainly would help, since you'll be getting only a hit or two in before they tun to face you.
So, yeah. I would vote IAS>Damage (fiends)>CTR>Damage (beasts) but some of that will depend on your gear.