Vog Cub or Skolver set?

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Imagen de Tom-Awsm

So I've upgraded all my equipment to 5* and all that's left is to get my cap and coat there as well. So which way should I go with my Ash Tail set?

My weapons are Dread Venom Striker and Magma Driver, with a Grey Owlite Shield.

I'm thinking the Vog Cub set will be better for Firestorm Citadel, but Skolvers will work better with my blade when doing JK.

I'll probably end up having both at a later time, but who knows how long that'll take.

Legacy Username
I personally went Skolver

I personally went Skolver first.

The thing about Firestorm Citadel is that it's not hard at all if you know what you're doing and take your time. There's many ways to avoid taking damage there. In fact, it's actually pretty broken for the most part as far as you being able to kill everything without even ever being in any real danger.

If you honestly think you'll be going up against Elemental and/or Fire attacks, then choose Vog. If you aren't planning on doing much to encounter these two types of attacks then go with Skolver.

Something you may want to keep in mind is that doing Firestorm Citadel isn't worth the effort, at all, unless you're going to fight the boss. Even then however, it's not worth the effort since his equipment isn't very good. Unless you're actually planning on getting to and beating the boss, you're not going to ever have to go there.

Imagen de Tom-Awsm
Sounds like Skolver is the way to go

"Something you may want to keep in mind is that doing Firestorm Citadel isn't worth the effort, at all, unless you're going to fight the boss. Even then however, it's not worth the effort since his equipment isn't very good. Unless you're actually planning on getting to and beating the boss, you're not going to ever have to go there."

Thanks, wasn't actually aware of this (had my suspicions, though).

Also, with the jellies doing piercing damage soon, Skolver will be even more useful.

Imagen de Valentine-Vk
indeed it will. plus full

indeed it will. plus full skolver + the new T1 boss's 5* shield = max sword dmg. not really that important but i thought it was kinda nice.

Legacy Username

Personally I think Vogs aspd bonus is useless, while Skolvers damage bonus is fantastic.
There are better armors for Citadel imo. Supposing you can craft some more armor later.

Imagen de Splinter
anyone opposed to splitting

anyone opposed to splitting it up - half Vog / Skolver, seems like it could work okay and be good for those that are middle of the road indecisive types like me :)

Although currently being full Vog, the lack of sword speed might be noticeable, not sure though.

Imagen de Mohandar
Nothing wrong with

Nothing wrong with Skolver/Vog combo; just that generally, stacking the elemental defense of Vog is better than splitting it between the piercing defense of Skolver. And the IAS bonus on Vog is definitely helpful for the heavy swords. Also, the stacked fire resist on Vog makes it ideal for FSC.

Legacy Username
I use a Skolver cap and Vog

I use a Skolver cap and Vog Cub armor as my general purpose set, I'm planning to get a Vog Cap sooner or later too.

I find that mixing those works well fro me because in many situations you only get to swing once (especially with DA/GF), charges do more damage and Skolver influences that more than Vog, while Vog makes whacking a single monster a faster process. And half the elemental defense is enough not to lose a lot hp from a gun puppy or Mecha Knight (don't remember when Retrode last hit me), I haven't tested the piercing def on Skolver yet.

Imagen de Fraxur
If you are already using

If you are already using Dread Venom Striker which is very fast, getting Vog Cub will be useless as the IAS won't help. But I personally feel that the elemental resistance of Vog Cub is more useful since I die a lot from Gun Puppies. I also believe that Fire is a more serious status effect than Freeze. Since I don't use the Cutter line and plan on using the Sealed Sword line, I will go with Vog Cub.

Legacy Username
@ Pupu

"There are better armors for Citadel imo."

what are they, in your opinion? Im not trollling, I have the grey feather set as my main armor. I was just looking for your opinion. :)

Imagen de Nitez
Vog and Skolver

Think about it this way. If you have 3 hit weapons/ really fast weapons then Skolver is the way to go.(unless you want to do something ridiculously dumb like.... swiftstrike + vog + cutter series = dumb lulz and a lot of damage). However if you have something like the Faust which does a standard 2 hit rather slowishly, then increased attack speed is great so you can swing your weapon quickly and get out of the way so you can deal more hard hitting blows.

Legacy Username

Volcanic Plate.
Grey Feather if you actually care about the aspd reduction from Plate or want shock resist for other levels.
Volcanic Demo if you're bombing. Or Volcanic Demo Helm + Mad Bomber Suit with fire uvs, which is what I use lately.

I hardly ever use a sword in Citadel as to use Vog, and even when I do, the aspd increase is quite useless.