PVE tactics to try.....

30 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Holy-Nightmare

These are a few of the tactics that I have figured out during my long stay on Cradle. Feel free to share your own.

Wave rider:
Trojans are powerful enemies and one should generally avoid getting hit. However, Trojans also come with support in most situations and staying mobile while in a huge encroaching crowd can be difficult. This particular tactic uses the Trojan's power to your advantage. The Trojan swing and Buff both have large knockback, you can use this in conjunction with a strong shield to ride that attack out of bad situations. Enemies have trouble tracking you and the speed at which you travel makes shield damage from traps minimal. A similar tactic can be employed with standard lumbers but for the ones with stun and another status it is recommended to only use a shield that offers the correct resists.

Center of Chaos:
Wolvers tend to be moderately troublesome enemies, the biggest problem is how fast they move. The Center of Chaos tactic relies on this while other standard strategies are hindered by it. Blast bombs have a strong knockback and damage throughout the blast. Wolvers will dash and teleport into the bomb area. For the best results get a team of gunners to stand in the blast radius to draw Wolvers in.

Shot lock:
Devilites are tough enemies for any class. They're ranged so sword and bomb users have trouble getting up close and they dodge gunfire. There is one gun family that they have trouble with though and that is the Callahan. This gun can pin them down for a short bit but thanks to the 2-shot clip it won't be long. In order to take full advantage bring a Blitz or Plague needle and switch shoot with the Callahan. You will bypass the clip limits of both guns and with the pinning power of the Callahan you can make full advantage of the Autogun's power.

Compound clearer:
This is a super simple strategy and requires skill in bombing. This strategy uses a Voltaic Tempest and a Vortex bomb of any kind, though the Obsidian Crusher is recommended. Place the Voltaic tempest to shock the monsters and make them more manageable, then follow up by dropping a Vortex inside the Haze. The Shock from each enemy spasm will harm nearby enemies and if you are using an Obsidian Crusher the poison will increase the amount of Shock damage dealt.

Imagen de Bopp
Wave Rider

I heartily endorse the Wave Rider tactic. For example, it's useful in the last fight of depth 27 of Firestorm Citadel. If you're surrounded by monsters, and you don't want to run across the spikes or fire? Just let the trojan send you to the other side of the room.

Now I'll mention the tactic that I always mention...

Infantry/Artillery: This one is good for Heart of Ice and other difficult fiend levels. One knight (infantry) stands in front, repeatedly shield-cancelling the first stroke of Final Flourish/BTB. His job is defense --- interrupting monsters and occasionally absorbing hits. Another knight (artillery) stands in back, releasing Blitz Needle charges. She is offense, killing everything with impunity because she is protected by the infantry.

And this one is a non-obvious part of brandish-spamming...

Tunneler: Suppose you're using knockback-heavy attacks such as a brandish charge, Divine Avenger charge, or long-distance pulsar shots. Run into the knockback area, where there are no longer any monsters. This tactic helps you cut through crowds to free space, for example.

Imagen de Parasthesia
Throw Money at the

Throw Money at the Problem:
For the lucky or when it becomes available through standard alchemy paths, the mixmaster does not activate dodging and shielding mechanisms for devilites and mechaknights respectively. Unload the damage!

Your Shield Can't Help You Now!:
The front shield of the Almirian Crusaders (see SL Firestorm Citadel, last stage of Vana fight, and Legion of Almire) is pierced by iron slug shots. Stun these team destroyers to death as they charge at you, flinching and stopping them in their tracks.

Is it Cowardly to Shoot a Man in the Back?:
Enemies with predictable dodge patterns like Gremlins jumping backwards when faced with a gunshot can be highly damaged with a well aimed alchemer shot, ricocheting inside their extended hitbox. Lunging zombies and jerky wolvers also work, with the correct timing.

Imagen de Bopp
circumventing monster shields

While we're on the topic of circumventing monster shields: Alchemer ricochets can disarm a gremlin mortafire, even when it is facing you.

(We could have a whole thread just on crazy uses of alchemers. And we have in the past, basically.)

Imagen de Bopp
some more

Delayed Damager: A highly damaged enemy can be killed by thawing freeze, collapsing vortex, and other kinds of delayed damage. Use the time delay to your advantage. For example, position yourself for the next wave of monsters before your delayed damage kills the previous wave.

Hambomber Helper: Shield-bump enemies into your teammate's bombs. Knock enemies into your teammate's bombs. (This should be obvious, but apparently it isn't.)

Gratuitous Violence: Sometimes attacking with swords can be faster than running. Warmaster Rocket Hammer's dash is one example. Attacking through a Swarm point is another. Is a Cutter combo, with the last stroke omitted, another? Don't be afraid to attack thin air, just for the movement boost.

Imagen de Aneurysms
While we're still naming fighting tactics like wrestling moves--

Vortex of PAIN: Drop a vortex bomb (preferably EV) to gather a large wave of enemies in an arena, then mow charged sword attacks through the clumped enemies. Every one of those monsters will take the biggest hit from the sword plus a hit or a few from knockback blasts as they revolve in the vortex.

Trojan Baiting: For the few monsters that wait and track their aggressor before attacking-- standing for maybe a quarter of a second in one spot will bait them into attacking, leaving them vulnerable as they carry out their attack. You'll want to dance in front of Trojans, pause, then walk right up behind them when they attack. Vana moves like a trojan, too. OR, from a distance, pause in spot, then side step out of their charge toward you, then shoot them in the back. For them guardians, you'll want to lead them into running into a wall or corner to make them more predictable.

Being a Spritely Team-Player: spamming quills at monsters your teammates are attacking, taking advantage of Frenzied Firestorm if you chose that Drakon skill, and giving monsters heart attacks when you notice your teammates are low on health

Rock Paper Scissors?: Teammate gunning things flying around the room? If you can bring a bomb, concentrate the crowd (Or you can push/pin monsters into place with swords, too). Teammate bring a bomb? Push monsters into their charges with a sword. Teammate charging sword attacks and tanking through the room willy-nilly? Get out of the way and pick off whatever they weren't able to mow down. ...Or a crowd control bomb to fix the willy-nillyness would be great, too.
^not really practical advice because limited arsenals & wep. slots, but the vague idea is to either play to/with your team's movements on the field or make your attack-intentions really, really obvious to your teammates.

Wave rider sounds so risky. When I depend on constant movement to survive and attack, I'd rather have my SB intact for an emergency hit-I-couldn't-dodge than popped.

When I read "throw money at the problem," I was thinking of something else; like triple max UVs kind of extensive money-throwing.

Gratuitous violence is good thing, too, to push your way out of a small monster mob if you suddenly find yourself on the wrong side of a teammates' charge attack.

Imagen de Jenovasforumchar
since i am already here :P

Well, the Wave rider or whatever you call it was a perfect dodging tactic. *Was*. No it is not relieable anymore, because of the mechanic Change of trojans: Before they were attacking much faster than now. in other words, you could see yourselfe in danger in FSC D27 wih active fire traps around you with too many slags around to move and a trojan near. One Brief touch to him on your pushing-prefered side with your APS rosen and it blasts you to the other side of the room with ist Damage Charge with no damage from any traps you cross over (obviously shields have invincitics, too) then pereparing whatever weapon you use and strike back from a safe clean spot.

Weeeeelll NOW they attack only after investing time. Much time. They morely like to atch you moving around in front of them than actually doing anything. So in a tight Situation it often takes too Long to force him to Charge (and i would not rely in such a Situation on Smash and bash since These are less predictable).

Here some things not beeing mentioned yet:

Ghost Buster:
Dash over one of These big black evil invincible ever-chasing Grimal kats and it is gone. You will not get damage.

Do the same above with a flying howlitzer.

Dash (yes i use very often) over any bullet while the enemy (best working with turrets and kats) are still Shooting to get beyond the line and be able to instantly attack.

Dash (number #4 hrhrh) in an Arena while the whole room is chasing you to to instantly let each Monster suddenly attack your allies. Eeeevil hrhrhr xP

Kill order:
Shield bash a fast enemy and set them under stun Status while beeing in a Team. This unit will die before stun wears off.

Charge a calibur-type sword or FoV , while charging Keep additionally pressing down the shielding key, thn release the attack key while still hol the shield key to regain almost instantly movability. The enemy construct Knights are doing exactly this (where I actually learned this from in the first week playing by my own :3). The rosen shield will deal additionall knockback, if Monsters are still in range.

And many more tactics!

Imagen de Holy-Nightmare
On Wave rider critiques and more

This game's enemies have tells that make it obvious when they are about to do an attack, with a little foresight you can use the Wave rider to launch yourself out of potentially bad situations. Thanks to Invincitinks you can have yourself jettisoned across the room with only damage to your shield. This is helpful if the traps are up since a shield bash doesn't protect you from damage or status and neither does anything else except the Angelic Aura and sidegrades.

It is an option and a viable one at that..... while the chances to use it to it's maximum effectiveness rarely crop up it is still helpful to practice this skill since it CAN be such a lifesaver.

@ Bopp

Tunneler can also be further boosted with a Tortodrone or regular shield bash.

@ Parathe

Mixmaster needs to get fixed plain and simple, till then yeah throwing money at the problem is one way to fix it..... you can also learn ways around it...

Bombs also work well at attacking enemies in the back, especially Trojans who never attack if their target keeps them tracking. (plus Blast bomb timers are built for Trojans).

Shard Bombs while weaker can get in places other bombs can't making them good tools for fighting Mortafires.

@ Aneury

I wish sprites were spammed more often.... even in places without Boss battles or "next wave" situations....

@ Jenovas

The Dash action is quite overpowered and due to the slow nature of OOO probably won't get nerfed for a long time.... hopefully the shield bash will actually get buffed up to the Dash's power level rather than a Dash nerf.

Right now the Dash can eat up damage from: Rockets, Howlitzers, Bullets, and nearly any ranged attack. Not to mention resetting the monster agro.

Imagen de Holy-Nightmare
Some more

Shielder Bypass: Some enemies like Mecha knights and Almirian Crusaders will shield from all ranged attacks..... that is if they are not preparing an attack. You can hold your Brandish, Autogun, or Magnus charge attack till they get close and release your charge before they can. This is fairly risky but if you do it right they will get flinched or knocked down and (except for Needle guns) knocked back to a safe distance.

Sidestep: Most if not all enemy projectiles travel in a straight line..... you would be surprised at the number of players that try to outrun bullets and whatnot when sidestepping and returning counterfire is much simpler and smarter


Imagen de Falminar

1. How is the Mixmaster broken?
2. ...Isn't the Trojan Baiting the intended way to beat them and not really a special tactic...?

Imagen de Holy-Nightmare
@ Vanaduck

Mixmaster doesn't active dodging or shielding of enemies which means it makes gunning stupidly straightforward

Imagen de Aneurysms

That's true. Gotta make shielded monsters vulnerable somehow in 1v1.
I've a thought (not backed up by anything but personal thoughts) that Trojans and other enemies that track and wait before attacking were designed with AI like that to encourage people to co-op to kill monsters. Even better encouragement-- spawn multiple shielded trojans/deadnaughts in a room to chase down even more knights at a time. IS there an arena situation where there are three or more deadnaughts/guardian-guys spawned at a time?

in UFSC I remember at least

in UFSC I remember at least one moment with 2 trojans + a deadnaught. There's also Legion of Almire that has 2 deadnaughts paired with a couple almirian crusaders.

Imagen de Traevelliath


I was actually watching Vokster's Solo UFSC run for the sake of nostalgia the other day. Skimming back through it again...
Depth 1
Depth 2 (There is a Trojan just off-screen to the north)
Depth 3
Depth 3 (Again)
Depth 4

Imagen de Heyub
Trojan shield bypass: The

Trojan shield bypass: The ultra barriers (usable item drops) will hit trojans if you just stand next to them. Freeze barriers are the best allowing you to freeze a trojan while charging an attack. I usually use shield barriers for a final blow if a trojan narrowly escapes death by blitz needle.

this is a cool thread :P

Imagen de Falminar

Arena Switch: If a non-party-button arena is inconvenient/dangerous, just lure the enemies to a previous battle area where you're safer while fighting. (One place I often do this is the Royal Jelly Palace, Garden of Goo - The second area where you have to go to two different battle arenas and kill all the monsters to unlock gates to statues, which you have to bring back to the middle to open the gate to progress. I ALWAYS die when fighting in the left area, so I bring the monsters there to the middle/right area to fight.)

Imagen de Jenovasforumchar

Invincible spike runner - no without seraphinx:

When your shield touches a spike floor trap, you have a very brief secound of invincibility that you can use to lower your shield and run a few steps over the spike trap totally unharmed without your shield.

Imagen de Fehzor

Oooh I've got a good one for this-

To effectively dodge large and random crowds in arenas such as at the end of Dreams and Nightmares (think toxigels in particular), only attack from south of the crowd. This ensures that you know exactly when monsters are attacking, and allows you to shield and avoid damage (even damage from completely random and less flagged attacks) if necessary. Attacking from the north leaves the crowd out of sight and your knight vulnerable.

Imagen de Vohtarak-Forum
I've got one

use your knockback to push enemies into fallen/falling tortofist shards
this should be common sense but I guess not many people have it

also use tortofist charges on enemies in a vortex

Imagen de Falminar

Explosive Escape: If you're surrounded by enemies and most of your attacks (including shield bash) can't push them away, use a Drakon's Firebolt skill. Not sure if Firestorm or other sprite's skills work (I only have a Drakon, and it didn't unlock Firestorm yet).

Kill it Until it Dies: If you're bad at dodging Howlitzer skull missiles, you can shoot them to make them explode early. They don't explode instantly after hit, and might have to be hit multiple times. Autoguns work well for this since they deal large amounts of damage in quick bursts (not when the skulls are already moving, but right before they start/when they just started). (DO NOT USE SWORDS. They can be destroyed by swords, but they still explode when destroyed, so you'll still take all of the damage.)

Quicksilvers Are Your Friend: If you're fighting a difficult or dangerous enemy (like Mecha Knights) that's being helped by Quicksilvers, don't kill the Quicksilvers! Just run away and put up your shield if necessary. The Quicksilvers can damage other enemies when charged, so just let them kill the harder monsters. If they aren't interested in charging themselves, you can throw a shock vial at them.

Imagen de Awsome-Incarnate
Really Good Strategies

But would someone mind organizing these by monster type, though? I would but I want to know if anyone else is interested.

Imagen de Falminar


Center of Chaos: Wolvers tend to be moderately troublesome enemies, the biggest problem is how fast they move. The Center of Chaos tactic relies on this while other standard strategies are hindered by it. Blast bombs have a strong knockback and damage throughout the blast. Wolvers will dash and teleport into the bomb area. For the best results get a team of gunners to stand in the blast radius to draw Wolvers in.


No construct-specific strategies.


Wave Rider: Trojans are powerful enemies and one should generally avoid getting hit. However, Trojans also come with support in most situations and staying mobile while in a huge encroaching crowd can be difficult. This particular tactic uses the Trojan's power to your advantage. The Trojan swing and Buff both have large knockback, you can use this in conjunction with a strong shield to ride that attack out of bad situations. Enemies have trouble tracking you and the speed at which you travel makes shield damage from traps minimal. A similar tactic can be employed with standard lumbers but for the ones with stun and another status it is recommended to only use a shield that offers the correct resists.

Shot Lock: Devilites are tough enemies for any class. They're ranged so sword and bomb users have trouble getting up close and they dodge gunfire. There is one gun family that they have trouble with though and that is the Callahan. This gun can pin them down for a short bit but thanks to the 2-shot clip it won't be long. In order to take full advantage bring a Blitz or Plague needle and switch shoot with the Callahan. You will bypass the clip limits of both guns and with the pinning power of the Callahan you can make full advantage of the Autogun's power.

Trojan Shield Bypass: The ultra barriers (usable item drops) will hit trojans if you just stand next to them. Freeze barriers are the best allowing you to freeze a trojan while charging an attack. I usually use shield barriers for a final blow if a trojan narrowly escapes death by blitz needle.

Didn't include Trojan Baiting.


(Unnamed): Alchemer ricochets can disarm a gremlin mortafire, even when it is facing you.


Quicksilvers Are Your Friend: If you're fighting a difficult or dangerous enemy (like Mecha Knights) that's being helped by Quicksilvers, don't kill the Quicksilvers! Just run away and put up your shield if necessary. The Quicksilvers can damage other enemies when charged, so just let them kill the harder monsters. If they aren't interested in charging themselves, you can throw a shock vial at them.


Your Shield Can't Help You Now!: The front shield of the Almirian Crusaders (see SL Firestorm Citadel, last stage of Vana fight, and Legion of Almire) is pierced by iron slug shots. Stun these team destroyers to death as they charge at you, flinching and stopping them in their tracks.

Ghost Buster: Dash over one of These big black evil invincible ever-chasing Grimal kats and it is gone. You will not get damage.

Howlitzer Buster Thingy Attack: Do the same above with a flying howlitzer.

Kill it Until it Dies: If you're bad at dodging Howlitzer skull missiles, you can shoot them to make them explode early. They don't explode instantly after hit, and might have to be hit multiple times. Autoguns work well for this since they deal large amounts of damage in quick bursts (not when the skulls are already moving, but right before they start/when they just started). (DO NOT USE SWORDS. They can be destroyed by swords, but they still explode when destroyed, so you'll still take all of the damage.)


Compound Clearer: This is a super simple strategy and requires skill in bombing. This strategy uses a Voltaic Tempest and a Vortex bomb of any kind, though the Obsidian Crusher is recommended. Place the Voltaic tempest to shock the monsters and make them more manageable, then follow up by dropping a Vortex inside the Haze. The Shock from each enemy spasm will harm nearby enemies and if you are using an Obsidian Crusher the poison will increase the amount of Shock damage dealt.

Infantry/Artillery: This one is good for Heart of Ice and other difficult fiend levels. One knight (infantry) stands in front, repeatedly shield-cancelling the first stroke of Final Flourish/BTB. His job is defense --- interrupting monsters and occasionally absorbing hits. Another knight (artillery) stands in back, releasing Blitz Needle charges. She is offense, killing everything with impunity because she is protected by the infantry.

Tunneler: Suppose you're using knockback-heavy attacks such as a brandish charge, Divine Avenger charge, or long-distance pulsar shots. Run into the knockback area, where there are no longer any monsters. This tactic helps you cut through crowds to free space, for example.

Throw Money at the Problem: For the lucky or when it becomes available through standard alchemy paths, the mixmaster does not activate dodging and shielding mechanisms for devilites and mechaknights respectively. Unload the damage!

Is it Cowardly to Shoot a Man in the Back?: Enemies with predictable dodge patterns like Gremlins jumping backwards when faced with a gunshot can be highly damaged with a well aimed alchemer shot, ricocheting inside their extended hitbox. Lunging zombies and jerky wolvers also work, with the correct timing.

Delayed Damager: A highly damaged enemy can be killed by thawing freeze, collapsing vortex, and other kinds of delayed damage. Use the time delay to your advantage. For example, position yourself for the next wave of monsters before your delayed damage kills the previous wave.

Hambomber Helper: Shield-bump enemies into your teammate's bombs. Knock enemies into your teammate's bombs.

Vortex of PAIN: Drop a vortex bomb (preferably EV) to gather a large wave of enemies in an arena, then mow charged sword attacks through the clumped enemies. Every one of those monsters will take the biggest hit from the sword plus a hit or a few from knockback blasts as they revolve in the vortex.

Being a Spritely Team Player: spamming quills at monsters your teammates are attacking, taking advantage of Frenzied Firestorm if you chose that Drakon skill, and giving monsters heart attacks when you notice your teammates are low on health

Rock Paper Scissors?: Teammate gunning things flying around the room? If you can bring a bomb, concentrate the crowd (Or you can push/pin monsters into place with swords, too). Teammate bring a bomb? Push monsters into their charges with a sword. Teammate charging sword attacks and tanking through the room willy-nilly? Get out of the way and pick off whatever they weren't able to mow down. ...Or a crowd control bomb to fix the willy-nillyness would be great, too.

Engager: Dash (yes i use very often) over any bullet while the enemy (best working with turrets and kats) are still Shooting to get beyond the line and be able to instantly attack.

Betrayal: Dash (number #4 hrhrh) in an Arena while the whole room is chasing you to to instantly let each Monster suddenly attack your allies. Eeeevil hrhrhr xP

Kill Order: Shield bash a fast enemy and set them under stun Status while beeing in a Team. This unit will die before stun wears off.

360° Shield: Charge a calibur-type sword or FoV , while charging Keep additionally pressing down the shielding key, thn release the attack key while still hol the shield key to regain almost instantly movability. The enemy construct Knights are doing exactly this (where I actually learned this from in the first week playing by my own :3). The rosen shield will deal additionall knockback, if Monsters are still in range.

Shielder Bypass: Some enemies like Mecha knights and Almirian Crusaders will shield from all ranged attacks..... that is if they are not preparing an attack. You can hold your Brandish, Autogun, or Magnus charge attack till they get close and release your charge before they can. This is fairly risky but if you do it right they will get flinched or knocked down and (except for Needle guns) knocked back to a safe distance.

Sidestep: Most if not all enemy projectiles travel in a straight line..... you would be surprised at the number of players that try to outrun bullets and whatnot when sidestepping and returning counterfire is much simpler and smarter

Arena Switch: If a non-party-button arena is inconvenient/dangerous, just lure the enemies to a previous battle area where you're safer while fighting.

(Unnamed): To effectively dodge large and random crowds in arenas such as at the end of Dreams and Nightmares (think toxigels in particular), only attack from south of the crowd. This ensures that you know exactly when monsters are attacking, and allows you to shield and avoid damage (even damage from completely random and less flagged attacks) if necessary. Attacking from the north leaves the crowd out of sight and your knight vulnerable.

(Unnamed) use your knockback to push enemies into fallen/falling tortofist shards
this should be common sense but I guess not many people have it
also use tortofist charges on enemies in a vortex

Explosive Escape: If you're surrounded by enemies and most of your attacks (including shield bash) can't push them away, use a Drakon's Firebolt skill.


Gratuitous Violence: Sometimes attacking with swords can be faster than running. Warmaster Rocket Hammer's dash is one example. Attacking through a Swarm point is another. Is a Cutter combo, with the last stroke omitted, another? Don't be afraid to attack thin air, just for the movement boost.

Invincible Spike Runner: When your shield touches a spike floor trap, you have a very brief secound of invincibility that you can use to lower your shield and run a few steps over the spike trap totally unharmed without your shield.

Imagen de Awsome-Incarnate

Great job, Vanaduke. You get a piece of cookie cake.


In missions like Dreams and Nightmares. You can get rid of annoying souls by dashing.

Imagen de Falminar
This thread again...

I wanted to bump it with a new thing but couldn't find it.


Mender Destroyer: (If you can't poison the enemies,) When there's a Gremlin Mender you need to get rid of, you can knock them down to prevent them from casting spells for some time. You can either use this time to kill monsters without killing the Mender, or kill the Mender without it creating the shield.

Imagen de Holy-Nightmare

Kill it with fire:

When dealing with large number of enemies in large arenas (Dreams and Nightmare's final room to be the best example) having a good tick damage weapon is very useful. Fire is the most powerful tick damage in the game and has no type making it useful everywhere but fire levels. You can use weapons like Wildfire, Magma Driver, Combuster Charges, Ash of Agni bombs, and Fire vials to set enemies on fire and then use the Dash Jump Exploit to lose enemies agro. They stop chasing you while you run off to leave them burning. The key to this strategy is to SPREAD Fire status rather than focusing on killing one enemy. As a side note, Maskeraith quills will activate in fire and shock (but only once from a freeze thaw)

Imagen de Pery-Alaois
I have a tactic! Caught off

I have a tactic!

Caught off Guard:

After a Mecha Knight shields, it doesn't shield for a few seconds. Using those few seconds, you can do good damage with a gun(or winmillion. Do you guys use that weapon..?).

1. Shoot once to flinch it.
2. Wait for it to stop shielding(and charge if you want to)
3. Unleash a gun clip/battle sprite ability/gun charge

Imagen de Vohtarak-Forum

theoretically a winmillion would work, but its simply too weak of a weapon to be worth it, I just use an iron slug or winter grave

"raining death"
basically use a tortofist charge over and over on large groups, works best in
dreams and nightmares
final arena waves (last wave of 3rd room)
devilish drudgeries
wolver dens (takes some skill)

Imagen de Gunnerific
I have one

Out of Sight, Out of Mind

Dashing can lose aggro. Assuming you dash out of the field of vision of aggro.
More noticable whith contruct turrets. via dashing across ther vision or (at a distance) dashing at them with an angle. Can be use in conjunction with knockback to ensure your are out of aggro range.

Can belive no one posted this:
At the edge

As long as you have more than 1 pip of health. All attack wil bring you to 1 pip of health. Unless a status is inflicted.

Imagen de Vohtarak-Forum

those arent tactics, theyre game mechanics

Imagen de Iron-Shadow

Well, you're half right, since only two statuses in the entire game, fire and shock to be precise, do any decent amount of damage compared to literally any other status. Fire and Shock are both equally as powerful, but largely situational, fire may do more damage per enemy, but shock will kill groups faster than setting them on fire ever will, minus the enemies(gremlins and wolvers obviously) that resist the elemental damage from shock, and group shocks set off far more of mask's quills much faster, doing even more damage than the fire overall.

Back on topic....

Spiral Fury:
Actively using your sprite to attack enemies with you, for damage, not health or boosts or anything else. Probably the simplest tactic available to even the new players, as getting used to doing it will easily solve most of your troubles later on.

Not your average shooter:
Taking no/minimal knockback weapons(haze style bombs are an obvious example, probably a cutter weapon as well) and rather than massively overpowering your enemies with brute force you weave through them avoiding attacks and kill them quickly from within. Perhaps slower than normal based on weapon choices, but still a fun tactic at times.