First 5* sword!
So, I was just wondering which 5* sword should I make first?

It depends on what other weapons you have. Perhaps you should check out my detailed sword guide. The popular candidates for "most powerful" sword are Combuster/Voltedge, Warmaster Rocket Hammer, and Acheron/Obsidian Edge. But a lot of other swords are fun. would be nice if you could...
Like your playstyle, or if you want something more specialized, or if your enjoy bludgeoning something to death, or if you are interested in specifically doing some unspeakable horrors within the clockworks.
Just a normal hack and slasher?
The Leviathan blade is a normal sword of Hacking and slashing.
Got a little spring in your step?
The Final Flourish puts Finess and dignity into your swordplay.
Want every swing to feel like you are hittting someone with a train?
The Sudaruska ensures your shoulder will ache immensely.
If you have a cold attitude, the Triglav Freezes as well.
Do you like setting the forces of nature upon your foes?
The Brandishes final forms allow you to wield a specific element from your fingertips.
Do you like MEAT CHUNKS?
Fang of vog, dread venom striker, and wild hunting blade will cut EVERYTHING UP with rapid fury, with some...side affects.
Do you believe in a higher spiritual power?
Divine Avenger or the Gran Faust for the inner believer within you.
Now just to be fair, THESE ARE ALL MY OPINION and I don't need someone biting my buttocks on how one sword trumps another.or why I forgot a sword.
They are all fantastic blades within the right hands.
I recommend that you go the wiki and look up the swordmaster guide for more information.
But since you are simply asking for "what 5star blade I should make" without telling us anything much...
The leviathan blade. Because it's the ultimate generalizer. Not good versus everything, but not bad versus everything.

Fang of Vog looks like a Cutter, but it has a completely different attack style. I don't think it belongs in the "Do you like MEAT CHUNKS?" category.

How deceiving. Upon review it behaves exactly like a calibur. strange.
In that case it would be an elemental sword to challenge the combuster brandish, maybe even being superior.

I think you should make triglav as your first sword so that you'll be more interesting than the other brandish-knights.

You don't need to be a hipster, just go swim with everyone in the mainstream with a brandish line. There's a reason people pick it. All you have to do is charge and tbh, that's pretty much all you need for PvE. The skill : effectiveness ratio is like 1:69 with a brandish.
>>>>>I>N>>>>>>>M>Y>>>>>> IMO >>>>>>O>>>P>>IN>>I>>O>>N>_>
I wouldn't reccomend a triglav as a first weapon due to its speed.

You goofballs and your brandishes :P
It's seriously kind of a bad weapon. Like the power you get out of zero skill is huge but also you can just learn how to play the game and be better off because of it. Brandish is probably the "right call" for the op but if I run into them I'd be stoked to see grintovec on them instead of night blade. Like you have no idea, friend request right there.
Thank you all for your replies! Some people told me that going glacius as my first 5* sword is the best option because of its crowd control (freeze) and because you can farm easily with it. So, is it a good idea?

Just so you know, Brandishes release a wave that Enemies 'ride' apparently. The freeze nullifies that. It's no biggie, I hear it's great for the final boss dungeon.
But then again, I am thinking about just going for the Leviathan blade because it is a jack of all trades, master in none. Would the Leviathan blade be a good option for a starting 5* sword?

Firethornz, I already gave you the link to my sword guide. As it explains, freeze on a brandish is a hindrance, and Combuster/Voltedge is better than Glacius. This is still true in the "final boss dungeon" known as Firestorm Citadel, even though most of the monsters there are immune to fire. That said, Glacius is not terrible.
Edit: Now you are talking about Leviathan Blade. Like Glacius, that's not terrible but not great. Whether you want an "all-rounder" or not depends on your other weapons, as I've already pointed out in my sword guide and in post #2 above. Are you going to tell us your other weapons or not?
Ok Bopp, since I already have the 3* Iceburst Brandish and I need only 1 Elite Orb more for the Blizzbrand, I think I will go for the glacius! Any tips where I can find that elite orb?

since I already have the 3* Iceburst Brandish and I need only 1 Elite Orb more for the Blizzbrand, I think I will go for the glacius!
This is the wrong reason to upgrade an item in Spiral Knights. The costs of making an item dramatically increases as the star-level goes up. For example, the cost of a 5-star recipe is much more than the cost of its 2-, 3-, and 4-star recipes combined. And let's not even talk about heating a 5-star item.
So don't follow through on an item unless you really want it. Even if you had the 4-star freeze brandish, it would not be too late to switch to another alchemy path. But of course the choice is up to you.
Your orb question is a frequently asked question. My carefully composed answer is here. The short answer is: Buy them, because the alternatives are even slower.
OK, thanks for the tip! I will then go for the combuster because I generally find it better and it has more damage, better weapon overall. And about the orbs, I usualy did buy them, but I really dont want to spend 400 energy just for the 1 orb.

At the Supply Depot you can buy three 4-star orbs for 400 energy.
But from other players, for example through the Auction House, you can buy a single orb for much less than 400 energy. It won't be as low as 400 / 3 = 133 energy, unfortunately. But if you want only one orb then that's a fast way to get it. Then you can spend your time getting more crowns.
I just checked in the auction house, the cheapest I can get is 13000 for one orb! Is it worth buying it?

100 energy is about 9000 crowns this week. Therefore 133 energy would be about 12000 crowns. By selling at 13000cr, it looks like the seller is asking for a modest profit. But remember the AH listing fee is 10% of the sale price = 1300cr. So by selling at 13000 crowns the seller is actually losing money slightly. You probably should buy.

Once again, Smalltownguy makes an accurate statement backed up by clear reasoning.

The orb thing is more complicated than just the numbers.
People sell orbs cheaply so that they can force others out of the market. They sell cheaply until others start to lose money and cannot afford to keep up because they have a relatively large sum of crowns (think on the order of multiple billions) and in doing so will get to dominate the market for a while, making a couple hundred thousand (or more) a day off of each rarity they are selling-- easily enough to counter their losses.
Really you should just avoid their silly yet profitable games altogether and find your orbs, buying them with energy if you must.
Glacius is a totally fine sword to go for. It accomplishes roughly the same thing that acheron and combuster accomplish, but allows for the user to freeze monsters and trap them there, spamming charges over and over. The only thing it doesn't do is kill things a bit faster (via fire/extra damage + "riding the wave"), which you don't even need to do (the killing, I mean) on most runs since your entire party will just charge through and murder everything before you can hope to get there in an attempt to be the knightliest.
By killing things slowly you also get to partake in more action per amount of walking down paths and loading which is a huge bonus on the levels where brandishes really shine.

In my opinion, you should first start to check the different mechanics that swords have and after taking a Review, you should decide what to go for.
Also note that you should have at least normal damage for each enemy since it takes a Long time to kill an enemy with a weapon that deals 'weak' numbers.
So I would recommend to watch the wiki page Sword overview
and I can strongly recommend this guy from YouTube who is showing how to get and how swords are working in mechanic:
My first 5 star sword:
My personal first sword has been the Leviathan Blade because I was highly specialized in guns (and still am, just not that strong anymore), range and mobility - and Leviathan is able to perfectly knock away large groups of Monsters and creates a safe area around you for a Moment.
Reviewing my choice, I would not have choosen it as first 5* sword again (due to heating issue), but I would definitelly go for 4*, heat Level 10 and let it stay at this Point.
After all, bring all weapons only to 4*, heat 10, not to 5 stars, because 5* weapons are dealing significant less damage at heat Level 1 than their 4* swords on heat Level 10.
5* deals about the same damage at heat Level 7 and just on Level 8 or higher you start to outclass its 4* Version in puncto damage - and do never understimate the time that it takes to get even one Piece of epquipment with 5* to heat Level 8!
Here my test:
So the short Version of what I wrote:
Heating a 5* Weapon takes a hillarious time before it gets stronger than its 4* heat 10 Piece. So do not upgrade your weapons to 5* until you are 100% sure that you can heat this one to at least heat Level 7 and you really want this specific weapon.
Acheron is a common choice, and there are many people who can give you many reasons for why it's a good sword.
Warmaster Rocket Hammer is also considered a good weapon, but you can only earn it by completing the expansion mission, Operation Crimson Hammer (unlocked for 3200 energy).
There are other good options too, though. You don't have to take one of these.
Before we make a choice, what's your playstyle?