Is there a real stat increase difference between Black Kat Cowl and Black Kat Mask?

Like Black Kat Cowl is only obtainable by Margel and Black Kat Mask is crafted, but is there a real difference between their benefits other than better armor?
Like would be a Black Kat Mask be basically a Black Kat Cowl the same while giving stats and debuffs then?

You can trust the displayed statistics, I think. They have the same offense. The 5-star version has more freeze resistance (+4 instead of +3) and more shadow protection. And one more health of course. And whatever else you see.
Practically speaking, Black Kat armor is good defense in freeze levels and no-status levels. And it's glass cannon almost everywhere else. And the same remarks apply to the 4-star version. So if you're good enough to play in 5-star Black Kat (and interested in doing so), then you can also play in 4-star.

the dirrerence isnt big, but i would just get a cowl. the mask is pretty expensive already (getting the whisker costs about 5kE, correct me if im wrong. you also need the 3* version and a fetish)
i personally use the full 3* set and its already amazing. LD is where it matters, and getting the 4* version just seems like a bad compromise.

I agree that the 3-star set is already amazing for PvE. And this is noteworthy because the 3-star set is comparatively easy to get:
* The 3-star helmet requires a fairly small amount of Kataclysm tokens, which anybody who grinds the event can easily get.
* The 3-star suit requires one Wicked Whisker, which is not transferable. The easiest way to get it is to buy your way into a Margrel party. The cost tends to be about 400,000-500,000 crowns.
So getting half of the set costs roughly nothing, and getting the whole set costs at most 500,000 crowns.

The difference is almost negligible, especially compared to the relative costs involved with upgrading.
it clearly shows that it has the same bonuses but less defense