What's the best way to use my shadowtech alchemer?

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Legacy Username

I bought it do that I could have a super-effective weapon to use against the jellies in the jelly passage and I was wondering if there are any things that I should make sure to do or not to do, since I've never really used a gun offensively before.

Just make sure that you ... -

Just make sure that you ...
- have some sort of bonus (chroma gear or gunslinger gear) to make you more efficient
- shoot & hit something (if possible at least 2 mobs at once) all the time, no breaks or your damage output will be a lot too low
- have some of the more dangerous mobs that noone else currently is fighting chasing after you so they don't harm you or your team
- still bring a good sword for the big guy in the throne room.

That should do.

Legacy Username
Remember that you can't

Remember that you can't shield while you're reloading. In a dangerous situation, consider just popping off one shot at a time so you don't have to stop and wait for the reload cycle to finish. (Alchemers reload after two shots in a row; pausing a moment after each shot lets you get around this.)

Also, consider just fighting with your sword. If it's not a Piercing damage sword, it'll probably deal better damage.

Legacy Username
Thanks for your input! :)

Hooray! It seems I just wasted my money after reading this. This unbinding Gremlin can't come soon enough, can it? =/

Imagen de Duskdash
Always keep moving. Shoot,

Always keep moving. Shoot, pause, shoot, pause. Wait for your character's hand to get back to its "neutral" position before firing again. Never, ever reload.

Imagen de Dirty-Harry
Reload when necessary

Don't be afraid to spam shots, unless you are being surrounded or getting chased by a giant lichen, don't worry. You aren't going to get completely obliterated as long as you are moving and avoiding attacks. You are really cutting your (already low) DPS if you pause between shots.
You really should be focusing on adding damage ontop of the swordsmen rather than picking off targets on your own, since if you were to do that you might as well use a sword.
The shadowtech alchemer is the only pure shadow damaging gun out there currently, so you didn't waste your money. Make use of what you have and don't worry about what people think about your playstyle.

Legacy Username
you didnt waste your money. a

you didnt waste your money. a gun is never a waste of money. lately ive been running with a Sword Damage bonus: Medium Shield, and let me say... there is one weapon in my loadout that almost never changes: my gun. sword wise, I swap freely between my Leviathan and my Acheron... the only time I EVER swap out my Cryo alchemer is for fiend levels, and I swap for a Mega Magnus.

Alchemers are never a waste. the Shadowtech isnt the best alchemer out there, but it will do.

Legacy Username
OK, thank you!

These responses are very helpfull, and I just have one more question: Are there any more pure shadow damaging weapons out there?

Legacy Username

My most common weapon loadout is Leviathan, Hail Driver, Umbra Driver. If you are constantly firing as fast as you can without triggering reload, you do substantial damage to a crowd that is weak to the type of damaging you're inflicting. Aim for the center of the crowd to get the best advantage of ricochet and/or the tiny burst effect when a shot terminates. (And I am afraid of triggering the reload! It stops me from shielding when a monster is suddenly knocked my way! All depends on the situation though.)

Plus the way it makes gremlins dodge, shadowtech series is great for getting the gremlins to scatter and isolate the healer (although shooting a dodging healer takes a little practice, it can be done, or you can just use the shots to scatter the crowd and then close in with a sword.)

Graviton bomb/vortex is the only other pure shadow damage weapon, there's no other gun and the swords are split damage.

Legacy Username
Pure Shadow... The Graviton

Pure Shadow... The Graviton Bomb.

It's great fun to use! It's not the greatest in terms of actual damage or combat effectiveness though.

The next best choices are the Nightblade and Faust lines, which are half-Shadow, half-Normal. And they don't provoke dodge/block reactions from the enemy. (Semi-important, as Gremlins are weak to shadow but dodge gunfire on tier 2 and further.)

Legacy Username
Gremlin dodge is somewhat

Gremlin dodge is somewhat crap though, so you can account for it and still hit them. They're not like the Matrix nonsense that Wolvers have going on.

As for using the Shadowtech in the Jelly Palace, I've had great success there since getting the 4* Shadow Driver. There's a marked difference between the 3* and 4* weapon, btw. Pretty much double damage, shots fly faster, and always ricochet. I can hit 2-5 slimes at a time, and my job in most groups I run with is to basically kite the all the jellies around while the other folks kill the lumbers, gunpuppies and wings. Often, half of them are dead before my group is done with the other stuff.

Guns overall are pretty weak right now, so people will occasionally get on your case about using them. They're not the complete waste of time that those people might make you think they are though. Wolvers and Devilites are pretty much impossible to take down with just guns, and Gremlins are a bit of a pain, but most everything else comes down to time. There's also something to be said for never being responsible for knocking an enemy across the room when it's in the middle of an attack, and causing your buddies to take damage (or die) for no reason.