Arsenal Expansion Ideas

3 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Fraxur

1. The Sealed Sword should have a 4* and 5* version which like the Sealed Sword, deals a random status effect on a charged attack. The charged attack could be similar to Sealed Sword's, with an AoE, but with a bigger radius and/or higher chance of inflicting status effects (the Sealed Sword I have now rarely inflicts status effect). Or, the charged attack could be a sword projectile like the ones from the Faust and Avenger line and the projectile has colors to indicate what status effect it will generate.

Because now we do not have any 3* and up shock swords, I have the following suggestions:
2. Brandish could be upgradeable to a shock weapon that shock monsters when using the charged attack (like Fireburst and Iceburst). The 3* name can be like Electroburst Brandish or something like that. The 4* name can be like Voltbrand or something like that. The 5* name can be Thunderizer or something like that.
3. Arc Razor could be upgraded a shock sword. Since Winmillion shoots out small projectiles, the shock sword could shoot out small lightning bolts and the charged attack could shoot out a giant lightning bolt or a lightning disk.
3. Winmillion and Khorovod should have a 5* version.
4. The Vaporizer bombs should have a shock version.

What do you guys think?

Imagen de Rangerwillx
I personally, like these

I personally, like these ideas, but instead of going electo of brandish, just let the shocking edge contiue it.

Imagen de Seiei
Troika line has to have a *5.

Troika line has to have a *5. The normal damage is enough so improve the speed a little or add a third strike. Also, improve the smash just a little.

Legacy Username
"I personally, like these

"I personally, like these ideas, but instead of going electo of brandish, just let the shocking edge contiue it."

The Shocking Edge is made of a modified Proto Sword, though. Judging by the Emberbreak/Frostbreak/Circuit Breaker series, "modified proto gear" is not meant to be Tier-3-worthy.