
Okay I have a problem. Aparently i'v been wasting 2 days of buying only 3 swords and i need to find out wich is best for all round use (fighting all monsters). I have a level 3 flourish which i think is useless (no offence), a level 1 spur (i like it) and a level 6 brandish. Which is the best to use for all pourposes. Also should i use a gun and a sword or a sword and a sword (autogun). Thanks, right now atm i have the flourish and autogun.

Flourish-lover here. And no offense taken, it's a specialized weapon, not good for all-around use like you want. (It does wonders if you pair it with another element of sword and don't mind constantly switching, though!)
As Kalel said, yeah, Calibur's the best for all-around purposes, by and large and a lot of second weapons match nicely with it. If you go the Brandish route, you'll probably have to pick something to complement it later on, since all of its 5* versions are elemental or shadow, but it's also a good choice to go. I have no experience with the autogun, but I'd still suggest going the Brandish line and building into Nightblade, then getting any Alchemer gun (EXCEPT the Shadowtech). That'll get you at least neutral damage against all monsters and the ability to hit a few weaknesses.
Well, firt of all find your own style. guns, swords whatever. Calibur is the best all-around. Not neceseraily best for when you get good, but good enough for noobs, although not much diferent from brandish initially but later on they part ways.