Armor's being useless
2 royal jelly band, dont feel a difference, besides the defenses dont seem to stack up in total defense
armors and other defenses bahave the same way for all depths
robots in advanced training hall deal normal damage
went into training hall with mad bomber set and stone tortoise, 4hits from 1 robot to cut 1/2 hp piece
took off mad bomber and equipped spiral set(proto) as armor and helm, 3hits from 1 robot to cut 1/2 hp piece
took off stone tortoise too and equipped proto shield, just in case it matters, 3hits from 1 robot to cut 1/2 hp piece
1.)stacking defenses doesnt matter, its better to mix as many as possible, the maximum dmg reduction seems to be at around 25% only
2.)armors barely help, theyre only good for their bonuses(including health) and looks
3.)HP > defenses

"armors and other defenses bahave the same way for all depths"
Everything 2* and above gets nerfed in Tier 1, and everything 4* and above gets nerfed in Tier 2, and horribly nerfed in Tier 1.
AFAIK Training Hall = Tier 1
Is 4 star armor nerfed to the point where it's 3 star equivalent of the same heat level is superior in tier 2? I have ash tail coat and cap (the coat is level 10 the cap is 8 i think) seeing as how ash tail is a significant jump in defence over dusker I was expecting less damage from the jellies pericing attacks (this was in the jelly king stratum). The damage however still seemed a little much given how I stacked defence in favor of peircing. To get more peircing defence at this point I would have to exchange primal sparks for the peircing defence trinkets.
Actually, everything in training hall deals minimal damage. Test again in T2 or T3.