Dread venom striker guide

4 respuestas [Último envío]

This is an old guide I wrote a long time ago, I just remembered it today and figured I might as well share it here in case people want to read it:


Have a nice day

Imagen de Bopp
not bad

It's a pretty good guide. Here are some small comments.

You've got Snarbolax, Skolver, and Black Kat armor. What about Chaos?

Your UV priorities are ASI, then damage bonus, then CTR. But UVs and other abilities are interchangeable. So what about Vog Cub?

In your opinion, does DVS require more defense than other weapons? Is that why you don't recommend Barbarous Thorn Shield, Swiftstrike Buckler, or Chaos (although you recommend Black Kat)? BTS can take a large amount of damage, merely because of its 5-star health. Consider it.


Thanks for reading

As for your remarks:

1. Chaos' only advantage over the sets I listed is CTR, which isn't needed for your DVS. The CTR can be useful for your vortex bomb (I view a vortex as a staple weapon), however I find that with CTR +4, your vortex can be charged comfortably in any situation. I myself have +5 CTR from a high UV, but I've played my loadout with a +4 CTR for a very long time as well. I haven't tried a +3 or +2 vortex, but I'd assume it's still playable if you are a bit more proactive when placing them. In my opinion, you really need as much status resistance as possible, I do not like Black Kat that much for it either, but it does make up for it with that +6 Dmg bonus. I find that chaos' offense does not benefit this playstyle enough to give up your resistances.

2. Damage bonus is your main priority for DVS, you really want to max that. But since Damage UVs are only moderately useful as they only work on 1/6th of the monsters each, you'll want to get the bulk of your damage bonus from armor. That makes ASI the most important UV by far, but I still wanted to mention damage bonus UVs because people usually write them off as bad, while on a DVS they aren't that bad for those people who have an armor set that gives them +5 DMG: too high to waste a trinket on, but not max damage either. For those players, having the random damage bonus UVs will be a welcomed additional bonus. Using Vog Cub as your armor just makes it too hard to get the max damage bonus, while a small investment in an ASI UV can take care of it. I personally play at ASI +3 and find it to be fast enough, I've played with +6 and don't notice a huge difference in performance. That said, I do think some ASI is important. I haven't tested it by using no ASI buff, but I often find myself in really close timing where I knock over a mecha knight right before he's able to use his charge attack on me. I find myself in situations like that often, so I can only imagine that with +0 ASI I would have been too slow to complete the combo.

3. In terms of status defense, definitely! You just can't play if you are poisoned because your damage becomes so low. Shock will also force you on the defensive. Fire isn't that much trouble, but having -4 fire makes you take so much damage that you need to watch out a lot more, which limits your DPS. With DVS I barely kite, I'm always near enemies and attacking, shielding at the last moment before their attacks hit. You don't want to be forced to kite, because then your DPS drops by a lot and you will eventually need to head in there again anyway. While using other weapons, you can kite while charging up or using guns, but with DVS that doesn't really work. Also, sometimes I find myself going all out, completely abandoning defense. Usually this occurs when I'm up against a huge group of enemies, for example an arena's final wave of 12 mecha knights. I drop a vortex, catch all of them and use deadly shadow cloak and attack until they are all dead. I will take a few hits in the process though, good defense guarantees that I can survive those and avoid their status from ruining me before I can finish them off. I recommend Black Kat because I feel like players who have access to it will be able to judge where they can or can't use it effectively and it truly has amazing bonuses, making it really powerful for freeze areas. I do not recommend BTS because even though it can be sufficient as a shield in some levels, in levels where monsters have strong attacks with powerful status it will not be good enough. So I chose to recommend not using it, because I wanted to avoid a new player reading it and picking BTS as their first shield because it's a popular shield that other guides tend to recommend as well. It can be good, but against mecha knights, overtimers, etc it won't be enough to keep an inexperienced DVS user alive.

Imagen de Bopp

I've skimmed your paragraphs, but I haven't read them in detail. It's great for you to respond to my questions in this thread.

But what I really mean is: Your responses need to be in the guide itself. For example, the reader of your guide should understand why you've left out Chaos, which is the default overpowered armor.

My guides are not perfect, but they're as good as they are because I've rewritten them many times. That's what I'm suggesting to you, if you have the patience for it. Best wishes.

I've added why chaos and ssb

I've added why chaos and ssb are bad and also added a conclusion