Spoonfeed me bullets

I've been playing this game for years off and on and just recently came back for another run and noticed that they really expanded the Gunner's arsenal. Between new armor sets and guns, I'm a little confused at what I should be gearing towards.
I've currently got:
Hail Driver
Mega Magnus
Poison catalyzer t4 (forget the name)
shock expanding gun t4 (also forgot the name)
Shadowsun Stetson
Shadowsun Slicker
Grey Owlite Shield
Maskeraith Sprite
Basically, what's modern end game GUNNER armor and equipment? Mind you I'm okay with replacing any of the stuff I have right now. I think the Shadowsun Slicker was a bad buy but its all I got.

For armor, you might check out the Handgun section of my detailed but unfinished armor guide.
For guns, you need to know what happened in the gunner update:
A. A bunch of alternate versions were added. For example, a shadow pulsar and a piercing antigua.
B. The catalyzer guns were changed for the worse, in the opinion of many forum commentators.
C. The magnus guns were given an ultra-powerful charge.
D. All guns let you move at full speed while charging.
So the charge-oriented guns are still alchemers and autoguns, plus magnuses. The regular-oriented guns are still alchemers and pulsars. Some players like the blasters; they're fine but dull. Antiguas are boring and catalyzers are weak. I can't comment about mixmasters.
For your situation, consider upgrading to Iron Slug. Get Chaos Cloak. I don't know what "BBS" means (BTS or SSB?), but get a Swiftstrike Buckler. When the next Kataclysm happens, get a 3-star Black Kat helmet. Try all gun styles. Get more defensive armor if you need it. Cheers.

Iron Slug
Nova Driver
Umbra/Grim Repeater/Winter Grave
Swiftstrike Buckler
Chaos Set or the Slicker Set...
Current meta looks a bit something like this:
Apply in that order until the trait has been maxed out either by trinkets or UVs.
Swiftstrike buckler / Whatever defensive shield has either 2 statuses or more health
Pick one of:
Vengeful Quill / Deadly Cloak / Chaotic Haze, any other build is gimped
Disintegrator Ray / Iron Heart / Shield ultimate not the most important, but Shield Regen from Seraphic is unique while Valkyrian only buffs your CTR to Max and no further.
Swift Steps or even more pentas, depending on how big of a wuss you are and if you're already at the points where you can use pentas in your trinket slots.