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Voltedge, Combuster, or Glacius?

21 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Artistbma

Which should I make?

Portrait de Bopp

I wrote my sword guide to serve as a FAQ for this kind of common question about swords. Consider reading the section on elemental swords.

Spoiler alert: Combuster, although some players claim that Voltedge is better when using vortex bombs. Not Glacius.

Portrait de Artistbma
Woops, sorry for asking a common question.

Thanks for the response! That guide was a good read!

Portrait de Bopp
no problem

The question hasn't been asked in a while. It used to be asked multiple times per week. No problem either way.

I'm glad that you found the guide useful. Happy travels.

Portrait de Nebrium

If you want a Pros advice, go with Combuster.

It doesn't have any drawbacks. The other two will accidentally put you and your teammates at risk and will take forever to complete missions. EV + Combuster is just as good as EV + Voltedge with Max Damage and proper charge delivery, followed by a flurry of combos and a gun like Nova or AP to close the distance with bruised up monsters while moving towards them if charge + combo doesn't finish it.

Portrait de Nuclear-Lynx

I am not an expert but I know enough to say that Combuster is way better than Glacius and a little better than Voltedge.

Like Bop said some people say that the Voltedge is better when paired with EV (I disagree with that) and that the shock from the Voltedge is very useful (Combuster knockback is just as useful) but if you don't have enough krogmo tokens or aren't good at LD / BN to get both the EV and the Voltedge then don't even bother trying to get the Voltedge and just get the EV. It will save you time and there isn't much of a difference in damage output when you use them with EV.

In my opinion the voltedge just isn't worth getting when you have to spend all that time in pvp to get both the EV and Voltedge

Portrait de Artistbma
I made a Combuster yesterday.

I made a Combuster yesterday. Thanks for all the advice everyone!

Portrait de Nebrium

You make me proud...

Portrait de Batabii

What people lack the patience to realize is that Glacius is actually just as good if you know what you're doing. On one hand, some mobs are totally immune to fire (in which case Glacius/Voltedge are superior) but also, glacius is far better for crowd control. The point of having STRONG freeze is that you lock down one or two enemies, then take down a different group while they thaw for massive damage. I mean sure if you're only fighting one or two monsters that's not time effective, but in areas like firestorm citadel that tend to have tons of spread of slags, it's good.

Portrait de Nebrium

Yeah, but it's a shame that it doesn't unlock a players full potential...

Portrait de Bopp
okay, we can do this yet again

What people lack the patience to realize is that Glacius is actually just as good if you know what you're doing.

I had Glacius for several months, with heavy use, before I got Combuster. I know how to use Glacius. It's not hard to understand. It freezes. I get it. And yet I still think Combuster is far better.

On one hand, some mobs are totally immune to fire (in which case Glacius/Voltedge are superior)

I disagree. Even against a fire-immune monster, Combuster beats Glacius, because freeze stops the monster before it can ride the entire charge attack. This is the whole idea of Combuster beating Glacius in Firestorm Citadel, which we've discussed countless times.

glacius is far better for crowd control

I disagree even on this point. Sometimes freeze is useful for crowd control. But sometimes freeze hurts crowd control, because it hinders knockback, kiting, shield-bumping, etc. In particular, every Combuster charge knocks the target back the whole way (if the monster survives at all). Glacius charges have unpredictable knockback, because the monster gets stuck partway through.

The point of having STRONG freeze is that you lock down one or two enemies, then take down a different group while they thaw for massive damage.

I agree with you here. This is a good strategy, especially for novices, that isn't used enough. Too many people break freeze before it hurts monsters. But "massive" is an overstatement of the damage. I would say "significant". Depending on the monster, it's typically like a sword regular stroke, not like another sword charge attack.

I mean sure if you're only fighting one or two monsters that's not time effective, but in areas like firestorm citadel that tend to have tons of spread of slags, it's good.

Combuster is better even here. With Glacius the crowd tends to be spread-out. With Combuster, the crowd tends to be gathered up tightly (if it's alive at all). The latter is more vulnerable to future charges.

The short version: After a Glacius charge you end up with a crowd of monsters, spread out because they've been knocked back varying amounts, with varying amounts of damage, which are frozen. After a Combuster charge you end up with a smaller crowd of monsters (because more of them are dead), and they're tighter because they've all been knocked back to the end of the charge, and they've all suffered as much damage as possible, and they're not frozen. In every aspect of this story Combuster beats Glacius, except in leaving monsters frozen, and that is not an unambiguous win for Glacius either.

Portrait de Nebrium
... ^


Portrait de Nuclear-Lynx
Combuster is way better...

The only thing in my opinion that could top Combuster in FSC is if they made an elemental brandish that had poison as the status effect (I would love that), but I doubt they would ever do that since they already have the Obsidian edge.

But yeah Combuster is the clear winner in almost all areas.

Portrait de Pyrosparker
This thread is a tad old...

But given the perfect name/subject, I'd rather not create a new one. If you're tired of explaining the differences of these three swords (at least with FSC in question), here's your go-to explanation.

Maybe the OP would like to put this link in the main post, so anyone that finds this thread has a quick demonstration.

Portrait de Bopp
already done, but good to have a video

The video demonstrates that freeze and shock can stop targets from riding the entire charge attack. The same material is treated in every discussion of this topic, which is why it's in the FAQ mentioned in post #1 of this thread.

Portrait de Pyrosparker
I know these comparisons have been made many times

But the point of having a video is to... have a video. Makes explaining as easy as showing a link, and provides explanation + proof, rather than just explanation.

Portrait de Bopp
all explaining is as easy as showing a link

All explaining is as easy as showing a link, if the explanation is already prepared. But I agree that a video is valuable in a way that text is not. That's why I said "good to have a video". Cheers.

Portrait de Nebrium
@sparky only keep note on the combuster charges I do. I only charge for setting up my battlefield, push unwanted enemies away and opportunity of a crushing blow to many.

Portrait de Fehzors-Forum-Alt

They all kill slags about the same (or exactly the same on the normal hits) so just use whichever one amuses you most. When it comes to huge crowds that don't wave ride as much (most of FSC in other words) the raw damage you're doing with the first few hits outweighs the status or wave riding or whatever anyway.

Portrait de Bopp
really do disagree

We keep going over this issue, but that's because it really does matter. In FSC, Combuster charges leave monsters dead, while Glacius charges leave them alive and frozen. Zombies have a lot of health, and the last few hits in the charge attack are enough to overcome that health. When I go back to using Glacius in FSC, I find myself asking, "Why are all of these zombies still alive?!"

Of course, both swords do the job eventually, and video games are all about having fun, so use whichever one you want. But the difference between them is not small.

Portrait de Fehzors-Forum-Alt

Antiguas are good because they have lots of bullets.

Portrait de Bopp
oh no

Oh no, you're triggering all of my automated response protocols. I had to do a manual override.