Worth it?

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Microbolt's picture

This might be a noob question but,

I'm heating a 4* weapon at the moment and I was wondering, is heating it up past level 5 knowing it's going to be the 5* weapon next worth it? Like does it boost damage?

Nuclear-Lynx's picture
yes it is

We have had a few threads on this subject recently which you could search for in the search bar or on google, or you could read some of the guides on the wiki.

No matter what weapon you will get more damage when you heat it up while armors don't get much of a boost so prioritize your weapons over you armor. That being said a 5* weapon isn't more powerful then its 4* version until it is level 8, so it isn't really worth making a 5* weapon unless you have the rads to get it to at least level 8 but preferably level 10 (about 400 rads I think).

Some 5* weapons are worth making if you dan't have the rads because their charges are way better then their 4* versions, for example DA and Alchemers.

I am explaining this to the best of my knowledge but if I missed anything I am sure Bop or anyone else will give you additional tips :)

Neometal's picture

You need to heat up 4* items to lvl 10 if you want to make them 5*, othervise you can't craft them up.

That being said, it wouldn't matter: 3* items only need to be lvl 5 before you can make them 4*, and it doesn't matter whether they are lvl 5 or 10, the damage of the 4*version will be the same.

But as Nuclear-Lynx said, lvl1 5* weapons will do less dmg than their lvl10 4* versions, so if you don't have enough rads to fully heat up the 5* weapons, don't craft them up yet. Without double lvl ups and always using 100%, you'd need 453 rads for a 5* item to be lvl 10, but 198 from these is the last 2 lvl-s (102 and 96). Ofc if you get lucky with the doulbe lvl ups, or try gambling with 60%, it might cost you less.

And yeah, also consider making it into 5* if it has a better charge, like the mentioned DA, haze bombs; the acheron which does more dmg needs to be lvl 5 or 6 only iirc for it to do more than a lvl 10 silent nightblade.

Bopp's picture

From the wiki:

"To upgrade a 3-star item to 4 stars, the 3-star item must be heated to level 5 or higher. To upgrade a 4-star item to 5 stars, the 4-star item must have heat level 10. Beyond these minimum requirements, the heat level of the precursor item has no effect on the quality of the upgrade. The upgraded item always begins at heat level 1."