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Pith Helm Promos

1 Réponse [Dernière contribution]

I love pith helms. Possibly one of my favorite items in the game! With that in mind, I am trying to collect all of the pith helms.

I have hallow, blazing, frosty, volcanic, and spiral.

If any of you knights have themed pith helms for sale, please let me know.

My knight name is Killaboinine. Add me and/or send me mail to lmk. Thank you!

Portrait de Bopp
please do not cross-post

This thread is redundant with your other thread in General Discussion. Please do not post multiple copies of the same thread. Please just pick the one forum that is most appropriate and post there. Thank you.

By the way, in this case the most appropriate forum is probably Bazaar. Good luck with your search.