Best weapons for dealing with Compounds?

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Imagen de Jessecho

I hate these levels more than anything in the game, and I have no way to effectively approach them with my arsenal right now.

The main problem is dealing with the mini-mobs. I've tried my main weapons, Glacius and Iron Slug on them, but they just don't cut it against any of the three types of monsters.

I've heard a few times that bombs are the best way to go in Compounds, so those are mostly what I'm looking at. The only 5* bomb I have is Dark Retribution, but that doesn't have the CC I'm looking for. Here's what I've been looking at:

Big Angry Bomb: Huge AoE, Stun, knockback. Works in any level regardless of status or enemy type. Hard to set up and use.
Irontech Destroyer: See above.
Shivermist or Voltaic Tempest: Good CC, but enemies can still get in the way if they aren't killed with an extra weapon. Useless in levels with the wrong status, but best to use against Scarabs.
Graviton Vortex: See above, minus status.
Dark Matter Bomb: Obviously know it's infamously bad, but has decent AoE, works in any Dust Bunny/Gel Drop level no matter what status. Useless for Scarabs.
Shocking Salt Bomb: See above, but doesn't work well in Shock levels.

Scarabs are the lowest priority to kill since I run into them the least. Dark Briar Barrage is a no-go because it's useless against Gel Drops, and seems like it would be too annoying to use against Dust Bunnies or Scarabs to be worthwhile. Electron Vortex is off the table since it takes so many PvP games to get.

Feel free to suggest anything I didn't think of.

Imagen de Milly-Souls
We all feel ya.

Compounds are the worst for sure, but if there's one thing you need to make sure you have, it's charge time reduction, chaos set can make your life easier.

Jelly compounds: These ones for me are the easiest, I'd just get an acheron or obsidian edge and hang back and charge slice them as they come towards me, you might take a bit of damage as you're lunging forward with the charge, but it's negligible.

Beast Compounds: I'd just get a dark briar barrage and spam it to hell, kiting the dust bunnies as it chips away at their health.

Scarab Compounds: These are probably the most difficult to deal with, but there are a variety of ways to deal with em. You can shivermist them and pick them off one by one. You can also do something similar to the jelly method, where you just use a combuster or voltedge to charge slice em as theyre coming towards you. Glacius isn't preferable because it locks them in place, thus preventing them to ride the wave and take more damage. Ash of Agni can be pretty good here too, kiting them as the fire burns them away.

Methods that apply to all : You can get a nitronome ( the best normal bomb in my opinion ), and just spam it, it'll cause knockback, but that's what's good about it, it's a very defensive and versatile bomb (more so than big angry bomb, which has horrendous movement speed while charging and slower charge time ), ensuring that they'll stay away from you. However, this method might take a while to kill them all. You can also use ash of agni, but as it's elemental, it won't do well against beasts.

You can also get an electron vortex and sword away at the singularity with enemies inside, it's a more efficient, but could be riskier method, as grouping them together might be a challenge.

Imagen de Bopp

You want CTR for big charge attacks. You can get it from Chaos armor or other sources. Then your Glacius and Iron Slug are good for compounds.

If you want a different weapon, then Nitronome works quite well. Spam it as quickly as you can.

Insofar as you seem to have a major misconception, it's that crowd control requires status effects. There is are other kinds of crowd control, based in knockback, kiting, etc. Work on those. In fact, I prefer them to status-based crowd control in most situations, including compounds.

Imagen de Jessecho

Thanks for the input. I already have a Chaos Cowl, but my only bodysuit is Vog, so I've started working toward a Chaos Cloak (though it'll definitely take a long time).

@Bopp: Oh yeah, I used to think that. It was just a coincidence that the only weapons I put on the list as having CC were the mist bombs. I can see how something like Combuster, Nitronome or Supernova could still be useful in that way.

Imagen de Neometal

Whichever weapon you pick, there's only 1 thing you need to know:

Spam all day long till the area is clear.

Only use normal attacks of swords/non spammy guns (which is basically every one of them apart from the pulsars) if there are a few minis left.

In case you don't know, at the end of compounds minis will keep on respawning untill someone gets near to the elevator.
If it is possible try to rush for the keys/buttons (or break the rocks if you happen to get that version), get next to the ele, then go back to clear out the area. Unless you get the arena ending, in which case you obviously have to fight your way out.

Imagen de Chaos-Zero-Delta
Best weapon? Pulsars

For the best experience use the Supernova (Normal damage Pulsar) so if there is anything you can rekt them (except wolvers so bring a flourish or snarble barb)

Imagen de Zero-Chill
Just avoide them

For compounds I usually RUN!
TBH I just use my deadly shadow cloak at the golden keys part and kill the turrets/lumbers/greavers/anything with my DVS and when there's too much of these annoying little things I use my haunted haze.
For the weapons I usually use a winmillion (good knockback and range + good for finishing off low-health enemies) and a needle (good for finishing off hordes quickly EVEN SLIMES!) maybe a BAB too.
I crafted a winmillion for compound runs but I sold it to a vendor when I realized I can just wait for the stage to change or simply restarting the gate.

Imagen de Drischa

Dark Briar Barrage is a no-go because it's useless against Gel Drops, and seems like it would be too annoying to use against Dust Bunnies or Scarabs to be worthwhile.

This is absolutely incorrect. Dark Briar Barrage is one of the best bombs in the game, it has huge area, good damage and the lack of knockback makes it easy to hit monsters with multiple times.

If you absolutely must have one bomb to work on all mobs, get a nitronome, it's useful against pretty much every enemy except mortafires and undead guards (The almirian guards/slag guard types of enemies that come with vana).

Since you already have iron slug and glacius, you should probably consider a vortex bomb, since you can group the enemies up and plant a charge attack from one of your other weapons into the group to instantly kill anything caught in the vortex. I used to find this very effective.

I'll be brutally honest, if you're struggling in compounds with iron slug and glacius, the problem is more to do with you than your choice of gear. Both of those weapons are very effective against compound enemies.