Divine + Chaos

7 respuestas [Último envío]

I was going over the Divine set and the Chaos set, because many people have the Chaos set, but I was wondering if Divine would help cancel the effects out? Also, if you have any alternatives, please post them.

Thank you everyone!

Thank you everyone!

Also, for a bit of background

Also, for a bit of background information, none of my gear have ctr or uv's on them.I want to get at least some kind of CTR bonus so im looking at the Chaos set. I am a hybrid user of swords and guns. I am a poor Vanguard that cannot afford to mass craft 2* magic gear.

Imagen de Bopp

You might find my detailed armor guide useful.

Yes, mixing Divine with Chaos is a fine idea, if pure Chaos is too dangerous. Make your helmet Divine and suit Chaos, to get the fiend bonus from Divine.


Thanks Bopp! .If anyone else has a suggestion, please post it.

Piercing Shield?

Would a piercing shield help or should I just get a Grey Owlite Shield or a Crest of Almire?

Imagen de Bopp

Short answer:

Your question, of whether you want a piercing shield, is the wrong question. Get Barbarous Thorn Shield and Swiftstrike Buckler for their offensive bonuses. Maybe get Dread Skelly Shield for poison and freeze. Maybe get Grey Owlite Shield or Crest of Almire for fire and shock. Then you're pretty much done with shields.

Long answer:

In case you don't know, shields take damage very differently from how knights take damage. They take damage whenever they absorb damage or status. See the "Shieldbearer Guide" on the wiki for more information.

Your considerations in choosing a shield are:

A: offensive bonuses (BTS, SSB)
B: native (not UV) status resistance
C: extra health (Omega Shell)
D: damage protection
E: enhanced bashing (tortodrone shields)

And that is roughly the order of importance. Players needing defense might switch A and B. Players who like to shield-bash might elevate E.

It might be counter-intuitive that status resistance is so much more important than damage protection. That's because of how the rules are tuned. Native status resistance on a shield gives complete immunity, while damage protection has a noticeable-but-not-gigantic effect. For example, suppose I'm going into a level with shadow and shock threats. Would I rather have DSS (shadow, freeze, poison) or GOS (elemental, fire, shock)? GOS, because shock is more important than shadow.

Imagen de Sir-Henry-Cooldown
Going off of Bopp's first comment...

Don't forget that sweet, sweet halo from the Divine Hood.
I really enjoyed the Owlite shield line, mainly for the fire and shock, the most annoying of status effects. Just keep in mind that stage hazards are horrible to shields, and more often then not they break after misstepping in a fire tile, then get hit 5 times to your shield, it breaking, then you still catching damage. That mostly moots them for hazards.

However, I have to say that, later, you MUST get the Crest of Almire (since you need a 5* shield to even accept the quest for it). It's shadow, which is a very significant damage type. Undead are pretty slow, so I don't know about them, but fiends are the most noteworthy foe you need defense against. The Crest is a very defensive shield against endgame, and has enough Normal def and status to be a main go-to shield. Since this veers more on defense, you can try getting a offensive shield as your 5* shield prerequisite.

With BTS, and your single Chaos cloak, the CTR will synergize very well with the Damage boost. But then again, this all depends on your weapons of choice.