If you could improve any armor...

10 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Scorpeli

If you could improve any bad or not so good armors, which would you improve?

Imagen de Bopp

I would improve nearly every armor in the "Other" listing of my armor guide:


The most egregious example is Volcanic Salamander, whose defenses and offenses don't even match. But all of the armors with monster-specific damage bonuses are obsolete. Like CIV and WHB, they are holdovers from the early days of Spiral Knights, when damage bonuses were much less common.

Imagen de Darklordskull
the shadow lair armors

the shadow lair armors (with the exception of snarby) aren't very good. Mercurial Demo is outshined by black kat. ice queen armor is technically better than royal jelly armor, but nobody uses royal jelly armor. Almirian crusader and heavenly iron have weaknesses to common statuses (fire and shock). And arcane salamander is just complete garbage.

I'd buff all the shadow lair armors except snarby. They're really hard to get, but their power level is not indicative of the effort required to get them.

Imagen de Putkisen-Seta

Bomb CTR on the jelly armor would be nice. Even the game files call it a bomber suit.

I don't think the devs can be bothered with rebalancing if they haven't done it so far. Must be harder to code than we think or something.

Imagen de Bopp
not the coding, but the testing

It's not the coding. It's the planning and testing. Balance is difficult. So you agonize over it, trying to get it perfect.

And then players discover an imbalance anyway. Or, even if they don't, a bunch of them complain. They would have planned their items differently if they'd known that the balance would be changed.

Of course, the armor is so far out of balance right now that it would be easy to make some improvements. But maybe Grey Havens doesn't want to make obvious changes now and difficult changes later. Maybe they want to minimize the number of re-balancing events.

Imagen de Fehzors-Forum-Alt

If I had to pick just one I'd pick cobalt. It's every other knight's first armor, and it being made interesting would add a lot of flavor to the game.

Other than that, Bopp pretty much nailed it. They either don't care to balance the armors (i.e. are fine with them the way they are for some reason), or are planning a larger balance update in the future.

Imagen de Putkisen-Seta

Balancing would actually be fairly trivial for the most part. Making sure the stats actually work might be another matter. "Oh but Black Kat is better!" Don't care, am poor.

Imagen de Fehzors-Forum-Alt

Don't care, am poor.

A) We were all "too poor" at some point prior to finding book or saving and buying one

B) To get 3* black kat costs you just a handful of tokens for the hat.. which is really all you need because-

C) You can mix the hat with chaos cloak, or just use full chaos set.

So here's how you plan the "I'm too poor" route....

Step 1) Craft chaos with the orbs you get for free playing the game using your poor person armor, or if you just started start with magic set.

Optional step 1.5) Instead of full chaos, get chaos cloak + seerus's mask, volcanic demo helm, or vog.

Step 2) Try to craft gear with CTR med+ if needed; i.e. all bombs, brandishes, etc. Using your full chaos or half chaos seet.

Step 3) Look for the book as hard as you can muster during an event. When you fail to find one, buy the 3* black kat cowl. You are now perfectly set to go on whatever mission you have in terms of armor. Yes, you're lacking a bit of HP and defense but the point of glass cannon isn't to tank hits anyway.... that's the job of penta heart trinkets.

Step 4) Save up and buy your way into individual Margrel parties for 2-3K Crystal Energy each. This allows you to either craft the 3* cloak or upgrade your 3* cowl to 4*, whichever you prefer. Optionally you could buy the cowl from whoever runs the party, or offer to trade your whisker for their hat.

Imagen de Bopp
I don't get it

Balancing would actually be fairly trivial for the most part. Making sure the stats actually work might be another matter.

These two sentences seem to contradict each other. Isn't balancing the same thing as making sure the stats work?

Imagen de Sir-Pandabear

I would improve Mad Bomber.

Imagen de Putkisen-Seta

Balancing is just theorycrafting over making sure everything is more or less equally worth using/making. Stats being broken is just a temporary setback. People will still make the armor, confident in your intention to fix the glitches.

The only solution to Chaos and Black Kat is nerfs. Heavy, likely creative nerfs. They should not be the baseline for anything lest the game get even worse due to ever increasing power creep. That dodge move already did some heavy damage. But, making the other armors reach the actual baseline is a more fun place to start so might as well go with that.