Is the auto gun bad?

When ever I use it I always take damage more then if I used a normal handgun. Am I bad with it or is the weapon bad?

No, Autogun-line guns are not bad. As Lethal-Bunduru said, the charge attacks are extremely powerful. For example, Blitz Needle's charge is the most popular way of killing Vanaduke.
In general, there are some weapons that do many small attacks (such as Cutter and Antigua regular attacks), and other weapons that do a few powerful attacks (such as bombs and Autogun charges). The latter tend to be more powerful overall, but they also require more patience and more knowledge of the monster AI. If you time them badly, then you get damaged by the monsters before you can even complete your attack. It just takes practice. :)

The regular attack of autoguns is trash.
Not true. The regular attack of autoguns is perfectly functional, especially since it got a huge buff in the gunner update.

u have to use skills and know when to shoot or charge... I can barely do it try using an alcomer or calahan then using it. it kinda gets used to the slow reload and shots. I think only use if a bunch of trojens are around or in a vana run. well the best 1 is blitz

Dark chain gun can one shot almost all constructs slime grimlins and even beasts. Just watch out for fiends and undead. (Or bust out your blitz)
It's a little bit of are bad with it, and certain aspects of the gun are bad.
The regular attack of autoguns is trash. Some of the lowest DPS in the game. The charge, however, has the highest DPS in the game, so only use autogun charge if possible.
Also, autogun is trash at lower star levels. Once you get to 4* and 5* versions, the charge starts to shine. And yes, the charge is good enough to make the gun worth getting.