LIONHEART GUILD! We're back. ♡

7 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Yoursuperior

Lionheart is back online! It's going to take some work to get it back up to what it was but I know with a few dedicated members we can do it. Let me or mayaura know in game if you would like to join the amazing guild that is lionheart!

Imagen de Tobutori
You said "Lionheart"?

My name is Macbirdie (Ingame) and i would like to be part of the guild. Im a Vanguard (since September last year) and i've been playin since January, 2014 (according to Steam). I've never dedicated myself to guilds until i got invited to my current guild, "The Gifted Ones", in May 2016. I've been an Officer ever since it existed. Unfortunatly the guild died (pretty soon, imo), i'm the last active member of it, not even the GM comes, which is sad :(

Anyways, here's what you need to know: I'm a dedicated SK player, 24/7; I'm responsible, and friendly; i love roleplaying!! One of the main things i love to do in this game; I like to help the occasional newbies in town... idk if that helps for the guild ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Imagen de Yoursuperior
I'll get you an invite sent

I'll get you an invite sent later on today. Thanks for your intrest in joining us.

HI i would like to join :D

Hi, im a old returning player rank 6-2 (Quit cuz tired of trying to get elite orbs) im just now starting up again and i hope i can be apart of this guild. Oh and also im very friendly and very responsible. (Just needed to add that in)

Sign me up

I started playing this game in 2011 and left after a year and just came back a few days ago. At the time I was in a guild but I forgot the name and I don't see any of the members online. I'd like a new home to go on raids. my name in game is, dudeacus.

Switched PCs and looking to join this guild

I used to play SK back in 2014 but when i ended up losing my account (for some unknown reason) and have been looking for a guild recently. I would really look forward to joining and helping get Lionheart back up!
Ingame name: Broblaz


Are you still recruiting? I just started playing again haven't played since beta when arcade cost energy to go floor to floor, I have been mostly playing solo now which gets boring and am already at rank 5-2 and really look forward to joining a guild to play with. Please let me know My IGN is ThatOneNoobx I play through steam. Steam name is ThatOneNoob has a golden jiggy as profile pic.


Hello, i would like to join the guild. Im recently new to SK but i used to play like 3 years ago. Im Knight Rank and want to join a guild to Play with other people and get to know other people within the community. (and just doing the missions alone is pretty boring). My IGN is Foxiboy and i play through steam.