Amputator Discussion (with numbers!)

12 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Fehzors-Forum-Alt

Too long didn't read: It does the same damage as cold iron vanquisher but it's a brandish.

Data regarding Amputator: (Tier 2, neutral target, max damage)
Damage per combo: 116 / 142
Damage per charge: 202 / 75
Damage per combo, no damage bonus, vs slime: 99 / 123
Damage per combo, no damage bonus, vs not slimes: 82 / 103

For comparison:
Data regarding Acheron: (Tier 2, neutral target, max damage)
Damage per combo: 160 / 209
Damage per charge: 317 / 80
Damage per combo (T2 damage VS undead, max damage): 98 / 125

Damage regarding Combuster/Obsidian Edge: (Tier 2, neutral target, max damage)
Damage per combo: 141 / 180
Damage per charge: 287 / 72
Damage from fire: 33, 3 ticks, 99 total (this will vary based on monster defense)

Data regarding Leviathan Blade/Celestial Saber: (Tier 2, neutral target, max damage)
Damage per combo: 129 / 157

Data regarding Cold Iron Vanquisher: (Same conditions)
Damage per combo: 116/142

Unless it suddenly does something magical when I finish heating it.... (T3 items in T2 aren't effected by heat, damage-wise)



SkepticRaven posted some damage numbers as well, from a heated+level 10 version-

Euclidian-Space made a video of himself using the weapon-

Imagen de Grimreaperlord
Amputator Advantages

Upsides to Amputator:

It's a chainsaw blade. Enough said.

Imagen de Fehzors-Forum-Alt

Yea it's totally awesome looking, and I'll totally use it just for that even if it is garbage :P

Imagen de Skepticraven

Charge burst damage might be of interest to see the final values, since defense is a non-linear curve for low values.
I'll add in the training hall values once mines done.

Imagen de Fehzors-Forum-Alt

Haha Zeddy was interested in the same thing- I have up the T2 charge values to ensure that they're bad, but haven't fully heated my amputato yet.

Imagen de Viorayne

Ive found a use for it against Beasts/Fiends (and Slimes obv).
Mostly because I hate the move-set of the Flourish lines, and no other Melee Pierce exists.
So a Normal Melee is great.

Why not a Leviathan Blade?
I like the Brandish style, and the fact it's a Mother Flippin' Chainblade should be enough.

Imagen de Fehzors-Forum-Alt

I can't stop you from using trasheron, but I can tell tell you why you're doing yourself a disservice. l'll start by saying it's worse than leviathan blade for normal swings, and that in order for it to be 'best' it's going to have to be going up against beasts and fiends both at the same time, since you'd be better off using combuster or acheron for those.

But what if, you just used acheron and forgot about combuster?

Acheron splosion T3, max damage, VS fiends: 426 + 120 'wave' hits
Trasheron splosion, T3, max damage, VS fiends: 430 + 169 'wave' hits
(Damage numbers extrapolated from wild hunting blade's normal and cold iron vanquisher's charge, which it shares values with)

As far as the initial hits, there's a difference of only 4 which is largely negligible, especially considering you're getting a tremendous boost against the beasts of the level. The 49 extra damage, which can hit up to 5 times, adds up to about 250 out of 1275 total damage from the initial hit + entire wave. Compare this to 1026 from acheron.

I suppose that you could argue that that 250 damage is what will be enough to finish off fiends, but I'd personally rather have the beautiful 717 + 184*5 = 1637 that you could be doing to beasts.

That being said, it *IS* a chainsaw sword with animated saw blades at the ready, so there is that.

Imagen de Bopp
charge attack

Are you saying that the charge attack is identical to a Combuster or Acheron charge attack (in the style, number, knockback, etc. of explosions)?

Imagen de Fehzors-Forum-Alt

Yes, the charge appears to be identical to it in terms of everything but damage. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong- I have the sword and tried to count but I can't count past about... well, true and false.

edit- added combuster to the comparisons section

Imagen de Skepticraven

Damage tables for D24 guild hall training

For direct comparison, I'm placing them in the following order:
Amputator - (Combuster resist, norm, weak) - (Acheron resist, norm, weak)

At Damage Maximum:
Normal Attack:
246 - (195, 319, 380) - (219, 361, 422)
3rd swing:
301 - (248, 410, 471) - (282, 470, 532)
Charge Swing:
430 - (384, 646, 707) - (426, 717, 778)
Charge Burst:
169 - (104, 158, 220) - (120, 184, 251)

At No Damage Bonus:
Normal Attack:
175 - (127, 198, 265) - (152, 242, 304)
3rd swing:
219 - (175, 283, 345) - (203, 332, 393)
Charge Swing:
323 - (284, 473, 535) - (318, 531, 592)
Charge Burst:
107 - (76, 113, 159) - (86, 128, 180)

Imagen de Flowchart

for the 4*, the charge explosion damage is the same as hunting blade's regular strike.

Haven't heated the 5* yet but those numbers look like the regular damage of dvs/whb, valiance normal attack, polaris explosion and other things.

Imagen de Fehzors-Forum-Alt

Euclidian-Space made a lovely video of how much of a buff this weapon needs, which I shall add to my thread-

Imagen de Skepticraven

Charge bursts have higher interrupt potential than other brandishes. T3 gorgos won't be interrupted by a combuster, but will from amputator bursts.