Choosing a Tortofist

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Snowex's picture

Which Tortofist is considered the most useful? They're meant to be used against crowds of mobs right?

Tqs-Remx's picture
You SHOULDN'T count on the tortoguns for damage

The tortoguns are a very niche weapon. Literally any 5* gun will outdps the 5* tortoguns.

With its short range and unique charge attack, the viability and usage of the tortogun is very limited.
If you go for the elemental, pierce or shadow, you're limiting the potential usage of the tortogun even further because you will have to take account damage penalty which discourages you from using the tortogun on certain levels.

If you still want and are willing to grind out a tortogun - you should go for the normal damage dealing one.
That way you can use it everywhere.

Snowex's picture

Oh, didn't know it's that bad.

I thought about using a Tortofist to give an initial blast to a group and then finish off the remainder with a blaster. Mainly for RJP and constructs to bring some variety to the grinding.

Thanks for the explanation! :)

Bopp's picture
lots of opinions

We've had lots of threads on this over the years, which you can find by searching Google for something like "which tortofist" (without the quotation marks).

I don't say this to suppress discussion. It's fine to have another thread about these guns. I just thought that you might like access to a bunch of opinions immediately. And my own opinion is not very well-informed. Cheers.

Fehzors-Forum-Alt's picture

It's not that the tortofists are weak, it's that they don't have a very high payoff compared to the work of lining up shots to deal damage. High cost of use + decent payout = not worth it when there are plenty of other decent payout weapons out there that don't require strenuous effort. That being said the tortofists are pretty fun, so I'd still craft one for your amusement if you have the opportunity.

I'd probably for either the elmental or the piercing one. Elemental is decent at fighting construct and zombies, while piercing is good against devilites if you get good with it. Overall elemental is the way to go though, because there are more fun areas to try it out than the piercing one, which is awful against beasts and grievers etc. and is just decent at devilites somehow. The shadow one isn't bad at jellies and lichens either, but gremlins are kind of eh with it imo.

Snowex's picture
I've chosen the elemental

I've chosen the elemental one, have it at 4* atm. Feels a bit dangerous to use, guess I have to get used to it :) Thanks for all the info and suggestions!

Drischa's picture

I would say that the elemental version is a good choice. Undead and constructs are usually the slowest monsters around, so it's pretty easy to hit them with the charge attack.
I barely ever use the piercing version, as devillites and wolvers always seem to dodge it.

I think the suggestion to get a normal damage version is poor, the fact that tortofists have fairly mediocre damage already makes it important to use specialized damage in an attempt to deal enough damage to be useful.