Node Slime Crusher
Lun, 06/19/2017 - 18:18
I just recently bought a Divine Node Slime Crusher and I don't really know what it's good for.So I was wondering if anyone knows if this weapon is effective at doing anything :/.
Mar, 06/20/2017 - 08:28

Mostly the goal is to get the strangest coloured one and then put it on a loadout to show off like wow a glacial hazard sword with flames on it and a bow tie how bizarre.
But the actual sword itself isn't THAT bad. You can use it to hit crowds of enemies with the normal, or smash away monsters that don't have aggro on you. It's not THAT good either- it's generally too slow to use for most serious areas as a truly viable option.
Oh, and it's particularly nice at handling compounds, which is always a plus.
It's a cosmetic reskin of Sudaruska. It's a slow, big sword with a heavy charge attack. To learn more read the wiki pages "Node Slime Crusher" and "Sudaruska".