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Shock vs. Fire vs. Freeze vs. Stun vs. Poison - what's better?

7 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Coolid

I like Freeze the most. It stops enemies in their tracks, so I can escape, or charge attack on them.
Shock is a close second for me, It deals damage over time, along with stopping enemies in the middle of attacks, or just while walking towards me.
I don't like Fire much at all, it's really just only damage. Maybe I just haven't experimented with it enough.
I haven't really used Stun at all, but being able to slow down large groups of enemies seems very powerful, especially for arenas.
I love poison a lot. To stop healing and to also decrease attack and defense is so good, especially for areas with silkwings and gremlin menders.

Bild des Benutzers Sir-Pandabear

I like freeze the least. It makes enemies block my path and they can still attack.

Shock is almost as bad. The damage is negligible and the amount of control is as well. What gets me is how when a player is inflicted by the status it's basically the most horrible status you can be inflicted by, but on enemies it does nothing most of the time. The only exception is if you can group them together really good and have the shocked enemies zap each other, but if you can get there you're already doing fine in the crowd control department.

Fire is great. No knockback, no unpredictable behaviour from the enemy, just damage. You can kite things until the sun goes down by just running around in a big old circle and dropping Ash of Agnis, and nothing will go sideways because a shocked/frozen enemy gets derailed and suddenly comes at you from a different direction.

Bild des Benutzers Bopp
agree mostly

I have often criticized freeze (and particularly Shivermist Buster) on these forums. Novice players love it (no offense), but I rarely see expert players using it at all. As Sir-Pandabear said, it hinders mobility: shield-bumping, knockback, kiting, etc.

Shock has similar drawbacks, but I like it more than Sir-Pandabear does. It does interrupt enemy attacks, albeit unpredictably. When enemies are tightly clumped, so that they shock each other, it can do a lot of damage.

Fire is great, specifically because it does not try to do crowd control. It is really predictable.

Is there a reason why you've left off poison and stun? They can be great. Stagger Storm actually makes me feel sorry for the enemies --- like, "Okay, I'll stop cheating now, so that you have some chance of fighting me."

Bild des Benutzers Coolid
I've always had a tendency

I've always had a tendency towards liking ice-based things in games for some reason, so maybe that's why I like it so much here.

For the stun and poison part, I kind of totally forgot about them, so I'll amend the post if I can.

Bild des Benutzers Sir-Pandabear

Most people don't like to use poison weapons, but they'll be really grateful if you bring it. It shuts down healers completely, slightly reduces enemy defence, and greatly reduces the damage the enemy inflicts. Tank builds become viable when used against poisoned enemies.

Stun is pretty good. It used to be dangerous due to the stun bug, but now the stun bug works in the knight's favour instead.

Bild des Benutzers Horseclaw
I'm not really sure if I can rank the statuses

Freeze generally seems fine if you either keep your target in a corner or use it as an opportunity to dispatch enemies quickly, but it does have large flaws as already mentioned. Fire's probably the status I've used the least. I don't have any particular grudge against it, I just have made use of other statuses instead.

I'm not sure if I have any stun weapons on me at all (quite possibly because they're all slow and I'm not a fan of slow things), but Stun has proved itself as strong whenever I have made use of it (shield bashing, vials).

I'm not sure I have ever heard of "the stun glitch" before though. Could you please explain?

Bild des Benutzers Sir-Pandabear

It's exactly like the current stun exploit, but it worked for monsters instead of knights.

Here's on of dozens of threads on the subject.

You need to rearrange your priorities bro.

Fire (Ash of Agni) is the only needed thing to solo Dreams and Nightmares, if you want to farm Radiant Fire Crystals.