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Your Typical Loadout (inspired by old thread)

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I stumbled on this thread:
So I'm wondering what loadout does everyone usually use? (I didn't want to necro the old thread so I made this one)

Bild des Benutzers Fehzors-Forum-Alt

"What loadout does everyone usually use?"

Chaos because everyone tells them to
Swiftstrike buckler because "you don't need a shield"
Drakon, because they chose it as a noob and charizard
Combuster or Acheron because bopp (and everyone else) told them to
Blitz needle because FSC + the free recipe

"Grinchlin assault is too hard!"

Hashtag Spiral Knights

But for real though-

I don't really have a typical loadout, but I do have a typical set of armor and weapons I enjoy using.

Black kat set (shock max x2/fire high x2/ice med/poison med resists)
Autoguns/flourish/gran faust
Dark rets/dark briar

I tend to mix all of the above with various hipster gear. Namely-

Shard bombs
Barn Dishes
I have everything so the list is literally all inclusive.

Generally I enjoy being meta, and the game really benefits you for just giving in and ignoring most of the gear.

Bild des Benutzers Bopp
varies by situation, of course

* Black Kat helmet and suit

* Swiftstrike Buckler

* Dark Briar Barrage

* one other weapon, often alchemer, WRH, or Magnus-style

Bild des Benutzers Wqkipedia
BK set Swiftstrike (now the

BK set
Swiftstrike (now the raider buckler)
Acheron(constructs,slimes,gremlins and beasts) or Final flourish(undead and fiends)
Arcana/Polaris(for turrets and stuff) or maybe another sword if I'm bored
Hp trinks
Msi perk on mask

Bild des Benutzers Skepticraven

Sacred Falcon Shade Armor/Helm*
Nova Driver**
Winter Grave***
Maskerwraith [MSI perk]

* sometimes I switch to other gunner armor sets that I have - currently have 4/36.^
** swap for DBB on compound depths
*** Iron slug swapped in for fiend/undead depths, sometimes
^ Yes, I will be crafting them all. I have all the recipes already.

Flamin Raven:
Dragonscale Armor/Helm [Black Fowl Cowl + Iron Wolf Costume]
Fang of Vog
Magma Driver
Drakon [Fire Resist]

Tortodrone Tiem:
Chaos Armor/Helm [Serene Costume]
2x Tortofist [changes depending upon monsters]
Tortoshield [changes depending upon monsters]
Seraphynx [Gun Damage]

Bild des Benutzers Flowchart

"I don't want to think of a set" set would be
Black Kat set
Swiftstrike Buckler
Warmaster Rocket Hammer
Argent Peacemaker/Arcana
Seraphynx/Swift Steps II

but I use other stuff too.