Metal Masters - An incredibly casual guild.

16 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Woad-Ink

Decided to throw out a recruitment thing because why the heck not.

Metal Masters is a (currently) very small guild. Prioritizing PVE above PVP, it's focused less on the 'best' competitive gear and constant Vanaduke runs, and more on just enjoying Spiral Knights as it really is; a game, with a large variety of weapons, armor, and levels.
The primary focus of the guild is to pretty much just help other people, primarily other guild members, with missions, gear, etc. Events also may happen on occasion.

~All basic rules of SK apply. Don't be rude, don't try to scam, etc etc.
~Whether it be towards a guildmaster or a recruit, be respectful always.
~Donating to the Guild Treasury is NOT a requirement in the slightest, though it is appreciated.
~Please don't constantly ask for promotions. Nothing gets accomplished that way for anybody.
~Don't abuse the storage. If you take something out, try to put something in it in return.
~Easy come easy go. If you leave, there'd be no hard feelings, and you would likely be welcomed back should you ever choose to return.

~Do not demote or remove other members without Guildmaster permission. (Or at least without a very good reason)
~Do not promote other members unless they fit the qualifications for promotion listed below.
~You have access to Design Mode. Do not abuse this power.
~When inviting other players, try to not do so absolutely randomly. (Such as running into Haven and sending invites to anyone/everyone you see)
~When inviting other players, first check to see if they are already in a guild.
~Should donations to the treasury prove insufficient, it falls to the Officers and Guildmasters to provide the crowns for upkeep.

Member: Be in the guild for a few days, and be of at least Soldier rank. (4-1)
Veteran: Be in the guild for certain amount of time, and be a generally helpful member. (No specific instructions or timeframe)
Officer: Show that you are trustworthy, mature, and respectful to all other knights. Your promotion to Officer must also be agreed upon by at least one current Officer and a Guildmaster.
Guildmaster: N/A. There are no current plans to promote anyone to this rank.

~Occasionally, people become inactive for a time. It may even happen to high ranking members. This is fine, and would only become an issue should
the guild ever become rather large. (Which I doubt it will)
~If you wish to join, there is no need to apply. Simply message an Officer or Guildmaster in-game. (May change if the guild grows large)

[Disclaimer: When I said it was a very small guild, I meant it. As of writing this, there are a grand total of 2 active members, myself included]

Intrested in joining

I'm interested in joining the guild, My knight name is the same as the side, Thanks!

I wish to join thyne

I wish to join thyne fellowship( Translation: I want to join)

I want to join

My knight name is Thisisaverygudname

I would like to join your guild

My in game name is Desert-Dragon.

Portrait de Demon-Is-Hungry
I would like to join

My knight name is Demon-Is-Hungry

Portrait de Aoi-Shinigami
This thing still on?

IGN Nenecchi requesting invitation.

Portrait de Killzforskillz-Two
I'd love to!

My in game name is Killz-For-Skillz. I'm a defender elite and have no guild currently, if it matters at all. Sounds great!

can i has join?

knight name is Yharfs, the knight is a newbie tho

I would like to join your guild.

My name is Mister-Happy-Face

Can i join guild

Name is Alexchong

I'd like to join!

I'd like to join the guild! My username is Nullworld

I would really like to join!

My nick is Kronior

I would really like to join!

My nick is Kronior and i would be really happy to join your guild!

Portrait de Res-Effect
Can I join the guild?

If the guild is still open, could I join? IGN is Res-Effect.

I'd like to join

My name is Scorepio

Portrait de Sazzpunk
Interesting in Joining

If there's still an open spot, cold I join? IGN is Sazzpunk