Iron Slug bullets
So what reason do these bullets shot from this type of weapon move so slowly on a player's client side? With good ping it still seems to hit an enemy but doesn't actually deal damage. Is the slow bullet the right speed or the fast traveling slug you'd see others shoot the actual speed?
Why is the gun like this in the first place?

For a knight's clientside shots, the game compensates for latency by slowing the display of the shot down. This is to try and make the shot land at its destination at the same time on the client as on the server. So if your own bullets are going slowly but everyone else's are normal speed, that means you have higher latency.
Another way of observing latency is how far away your battle sprite follows you. The higher your latency, the further away it will follow, as it is trying to stay at your position on the server rather than on your client.
In the "gunner update", when these guns were updated, their hit boxes seemed to get buggy. Like maybe the collision detector is not getting called frequently enough. And that might have something to do with latency to the server. Maybe that's what you're observing, even though you have low latency? I don't know.