Mixmaster = worth it/not worth it?
I'm honestly not sure what to expect from the mixmaster , just wanted to know if that weapon is worth 150kce or not.
Please give me some insight if any.
Thank you.

The mixmaster is a fairly incredible gun, since things don't dodge it. This (combined with its decent damage output) makes it the best possible weapon for fighting mecha knights, almirian crusaders, and devilites, as well as crowds of enemies that contain those. These enemies are what makes a lot of danger missions etc. hard- we're talking GitM, HoI, LoA and even Shadowplay, as well as less hard but still noteworthy things, like the end of arenas, the gauntlet, and yes, it can be used for FSC even though it's not really necessary there because there aren't dodgey enemies that are weak to elemental.
Is it worth 150K CE? Well, that's up for you to decide but I would go with no. The celestial orbit gun is a viable sidegrade that does what mixmaster does most of the time, and costs 50K CE as its base price compared to 120K CE, according to Legobuild's tool. Would you buy storm driver if it cost 2-3 times as much as magma driver? Probably not unless you just want to show it off or are going for everything or what have you.
Is celestial orbitgun worth getting at 50K CE? That's really up to you. If you want to be the best of the best, and are willing to pay over 100 dollars for it then it's certainly the dominant strategy you're looking for on a lot of levels. If you have plenty of other free gear to work on I really wouldn't mess with it, and would instead focus on getting a set that you can cleanly beat Dreams and Nightmares with, then on just heating everything else.

Honestly in my personal opinion, if I could get a mixer, I would.
A few add-ons from what fehzor said; mixer is quite good against all things weak and normal ele types, the shock is really good. But the thing that I have noticed is that, with some damage adding armor and such, the weapon can actually do more damage then the voltedge per projectile, so it really can be quite good once you learn how to use it properly. The big downfall is, of course, the price, at that price of 120k CE, I believe amounting to about 12 million crowns for the weapon, and I believe thats if it has no added uvs on it. So unless the box for it comes out again next year, then the mixer will remain at that price. So ya, if you really want a weapon like the mixer, it probably would be a good idea to good instead for the celestial orbitgun, again, like fehzor said.
Trust me though, if me myself could afford it, I would buy one.

The shock and fire aren't that big of a deal for either weapon actually, since you generally just end up killing them before fire and shock can do more than say, 5% of your DPS. Where they do matter is when you stop firing for whatever reason or accidentally hit something else- like if a trojan is smashing you and you have to dash + focus down that trojan. There, having the shock over nothing is going to slow down the zombies for a bit + damage them more so that you can go after the trojan. Fire, similarly, is good against beasts. Say you're on heart of ice spamming shots, and you accidentally hit a beast, which isn't hard because your projectiles are big and goofy... well if fire procs, you get to deal some slight DPS to that beast, whereas shock wouldn't have done as much.
If this sounds incredibly underwhelming, it is.
Now consider that to get the shock, which isn't even always better, you need to pay 70K extra energy. And there you have it folks.
Honestly I have abt 150kce lying around atm, and was hoping to finish my collection off wid a mixy, so just looking out if it's a wise choice to send my ce now or not. Finding a person to buy it frm is another issue. Thank you all for your replies much appreciated.
I haven't responded to this thread until now, because I'm not an expert on this topic. But while you wait for better responses...
If you're asking what the going price on Mixmasters is, then that question is better asked in the Bazaar forum. (You can move this thread there, by editing the original post and choosing that forum from the drop-down menu. Please do not leave a shadow copy.)
If you're asking whether you should value a Mixmaster more or less than you value 150,000 energy, then we cannot answer your question, because we don't know you. For example, whoever is willing to make this sale values 150,000 energy (minus unbinding, even) more than the Mixmaster. But if you've tried every other weapon in the game and have 150,000 energy lying around, then maybe this is a good deal for you.
If you're asking whether Mixmaster is a fun and powerful weapon, then as far as I can tell the answer is "yes". I've never used it myself.