Two Bombs? (and other equipment questions)

I am rank 5-2 and my current loadout is: Fused Demo Suit, Spiral Demo Helm (farming for fused), Plate Shield (planning to get Drake Scale Shield), Kamarin, and Super Blast Bomb (which I certainly want to replace). I have seen many people with two weapons of the same type, especially two swords or guns. I am planning to becoming a bomber, but I'm not sure if I should have two bombs. Is it really useful? I only have 2 weapon slots and am playing completely F2P. It is going to be a pain to buy more advanced orbs, but I'll farm. If I should have two bombs, what do you recommend? I've been thinking about two haze bombs, maybe a vortex. I'm playing rather offensively and using my shield quite frequently (Kamarin is slow to hit, so I have to shield a lot). I also want to get the Omega Shell for high shield health later on, IF I stay with this loadout, which I doubt I'll do. Are these good options? I don't think that status effects are always that good (although the haze bombs are nice), protection against them especially, but I'm probably incorrect.
By the way, my friend that I usually play with is a gunslinger with the Striker and the Antigua.
So, any suggestions?

If this is your first time playing SK, here are some tips from a veteran with 43 days worth of playing time:
Ditch the kamarin, it is worthless, the slow attack speed and damage means you will get butchered in Tier 3. The charge attack is unreliable at the best of time. Try brandish instead, have a shadow/elemental brandish in hand will save you a lot of headache in the future, using these swords to quickly zerk down a healer or a turret could be the difference between life and death, bomb's dps can be slow at the worst of time.
Tell your friend to ditch the striker as well, its 5* iterations (two) are both trash, he is better off just using the leviathan blade if he chooses to go down the swordsman rout. The previous advice also applies to him as well, use brandish, they save lives. But if your friend insist, then the venom striker is the way to proceed. The hunting blade's bonus versus beast is not worth the trade off.
DON'T use two haze unless you are going for fire + anything else. Haze bomb's dps are laughable and they are generally more focused on giving enemies status effect, it is a support bomb in every sense of the word, well, except for the ash of agni.
DON'T use vortex unless you have a weapon that can capitalize on its effect, in this case, the first advice can do you well if you are planning on using vortex, a brandish charge while the mobs are clustered together is a match made in heaven (or hell if you are the mobs).
DON'T Take omega shell unless it is the only shield you are planning on crafting going forward, the shell is has a lot of health but that health bar on the stats is a lie, they can quickly go away if you come up against enemies with special damage type. Most T3 mobs will tear the shell apart in around 3 hits. So be careful for what you are in for.

Yes, being a pure bomber with only two weapon slots is viable and fun. I do it quite frequently. You do not need any sword or gun sidearm, especially because you have a teammate who can handle the grunt work of breaking blocks, hitting switches, etc.
* If you want to play a damage role, then get two damage-oriented bombs. For beginners such as yourself, the most important ones are Dark Briar Barrage and Dark Retribution. They are easy to use, put out a large amount of damage, and don't disrupt your teammates.
* If you want to play a support role, then get two support-oriented bombs. The most important ones are haze-style and vortex-style. But your teammate's weapons don't make good use of vortices. So go for haze, such as Voltaic Tempest.
* If you want a balanced approach, then get one damage-oriented bomb and one support-oriented bomb.
By the way, bombing requires detailed knowledge of monster AI. So it is sometimes challenging for beginners. If that describes you, then maybe retreat to swords and guns until you master the AI.
Ditch the Drake Scale Shield plan. For defense get Grey Owlite or Dread Skelly, depending on the status threats that worry you most. For offense, especially once you branch out from bombs, get Swiftstrike Buckler or Barbarous Thorn Shield. (In my opinion, your friend should also ditch the Cutter/Antigua plan. In fact, I agree with almost everything Midnight-Dj said above.)
To learn more about bombing, check out the Bombing Guide on the wiki.

This is my second time playing the game, after I stopped playing on a different character also at 5-2 (farming orbs was annoying). So now I've recently come back and am at the same state, and I will certainly advance past it. As for my main question, should I have two bombs? A haze (AoA) and a blast seems good, but it'll be annoying to destroy blocks and such. I'll probably go for a Voltedge/Combuster (maybe a Caliber, is its path good?) for my second weapon. A haze and a sword however... meh, I am a bomber after all, not a swordsman. I'll also have to decide a bit more on shields....
As for my friend, he basically wants to be a quick gunslinger with one of fastest firing guns (for 1 slot), and that's why he has the Antigua. He does want to have two guns, but he's not exactly sure which. Brandish could also be good, but I think that 2 guns are much better than 2 bombs, so Brandish may be less useful. Shield are always confusing though.
Thanks for the suggestions so far!
EDIT: By the way Bopp, you wrote your comment as I posted my second one, so I didn't see it before my post. I suppose I'm a beginner by the way, but the practice with bombs will probably help, so I'll stay with it. AoA and one of the damage bombs sound nice, that'll probably be my path.

You don't have to destroy blocks. Your teammate will do that using his fast weapons.
If you want to know more about swords, then consult my detailed sword guide. But I stress that two bombs is quite viable.
AoA is a great bomb, but it's the least support-y, most damage-y of the haze bombs. So your plan is pretty damage-oriented. But that's fine. Have fun.

I am trying to be pretty offensive, so damage is good (AoA + Briar Barrage will be it). Thanks for the nice bullet point summary! Any tips for my friend's stuff? He's heard mixed stuff about the Antigua and the Striker isn't the best. He wants two guns anyways.
EDIT: Some ideas for my friend's secondary gun that he has if he keeps the Antigua (piercing): Pulsar paths (elemental), Alchemers (elemental), Shadow Alchemer (shadow), Grim Repeater (shadow), and Sentenza/Obsidian Carbine (shadow, maybe to go to from Antigua).

Now the thing that must be said about your friends loadout is that what alchemy path is he going to follow? There are 3 different 5* versions of the Antigua: argent peacemaker (elemental) sentenza (shadow) and gilded griffin (piercing). Depending on what he choses, the next weapon should be a different damage type than the other. This also can be tricky as only having two guns can leave out certain other strong guns and make the killing of monsters more of a pain. What I would recommend for your friend is to get 3 guns instead of 2, allowing for a little more flexibility against monsters. Let's say your friend chooses the sentenza (shadow damage), he should then pick an elemental gun. I recommend the Arcana, as it is quite powerful and does not require much accuracy like the alchemers do. I would also recommend getting the blitz needle (piercing damage) as my experience with it is that it is very effective against almost all monsters weak to piercing, such as fiends and gorgos. It also is the staple weapon that almost all players bring to the final game boss Vanaduke. Now the loadouts can change quite a bit if he chooses different weapons, but the one thing he will have to work on the most as a gunner is, like bopp said about bombing, learning the monsters patterns of attack and movement so that he can adjust accordingly and make his gunning experience easier. The one Antigua line I would not recommend him getting is the gilded griffin (alchemy line is antigua , raptor, gilded griffin) as the damage output against the monsters it is strong against and the beast families attack patterns make it quite difficult to use even for me as it requires a lot of prediction capabilities to make it work. The sentenza on the other hand is quite good against its families of slimes and gremlins (though the gremlins do have a tendency to dodge when being shot at, which is not that much of a problem). Now if your friend picks the argent peacemaker (elemental damage) he should go perhaps for the grim repeater, or if he likes the idea of the blasters, then he can go for the phantamos, the shadow damage version of the arcana, though if he is not that accurate then dealing with gremlins might pose a problem. And of course piercing should be the blitz needle.
Just remember that this is all my own personal opinion from my experience, and in the end its your friend's choice of what he gets in the end.
Hope that I was of assistance,

Well, the Cutter and Antigua lines are some of the less-powerful weapons in the game. They're not terrible, but they're not great, and they require a god-awful amount of clicking.
In guns I recommend a charge-heavy play style, and particularly the Magnus, alchemer (driver), and Autogun lines. Alchemers require skill, as Rillight said, but that's a good thing. Magnus-style and Autogun-style charge attacks are extremely powerful, but they require a careful setup, if you want to inflict lots of damage without getting hurt yourself.

Don't ditch the blast bomb >>> NITRONOME = BEST BOMB!!!
I have DBB and DR but I still prefer to use Nitronome, not that it's any more convenient, but it's so much fun.
My suggested loadout is Nitronome + anything else, I suggest you get SSS and SSB as they offer a very high damage bonus against fiends and slimes respectively and with damage covered you can focus your equipment more on CTR. You will also need a vortex, I suggest EV, yes I know you can't get it except by doing LD but you can buy the 3* form from someone else. It can be used as a damaging bomb against zombies which are not resistant to shock and it'll also pair well with your friend's DVS charges, you won't need damage bonus with it either because the main damage here comes from shock, vortexes are better in spreading status, especially shock since it's a higher level of status and it groups enemies together to take the maximum advantage of shock. You can also use a haze, though not very important, you can use Venom Veiler which serves as a very powerful weapon around healers and it's moderately supporting everywhere else. Torpor Tantrum is good for crowd control. Don't get ShiverMist Buster, a lot of people hate it, the only uses for it are freezing Lord Vanaduke in place and putting out oilers. For your friend, like Bopp said, their weapons require a lot of clicking and won't be effective in LD either, the DVS is great but having 2 weapons of that type can hurt your hands, they should keep the antigua to upgrade it to Obsidian Carbine though, an alchemer will do great, I suggest pure damage since statuses aren't that powerful. A magnus can also do great since it has the highest damage per bullet and can flinch weak enemies but they need a lot of ASI to make most use of it.

I do think that Blast-line bombs are fun and useful. And Nitronome is the easiest of them. But I don't recommend Nitronome to novice bombers, because managing the knockback can be difficult. So they end up doing poor DPS and annoying their teammates.

So I have chosen to go for the DBB and AoA and my friend has chosen to go for the Grim Repeater and the Storm Driver (he really likes the alchemers actually). I will go for DBB instead of Nitronome, as I hate the knockback at this point (Mecha Knights...). I also picked up the Fireburst Brandish and it is amazing for solo missions (graveyard levels are also great fun).
Thanks to all of you for the help in general, I think this was a pretty good arsenal change (I hated the Kamarin anyways)! As for Geo-Senpai, I will probably get a vortex later, as I don't think I have the best weapons to make use of them yet.

Your choices are popular, but for good reason. They should serve you well. Enjoy. :)
I am not a bomber so I can not really give you many really good bombs to use.
One thing I will say is that you might want to get a sword and maybe a gun to complement your inventory, such as heavy weps like divine avenger and gran faust , or more all around swords like the leviathin blade or iron vanquisher. For guns it is more or less the same, maybe get blitz for lord vanaduke or valiance for more general damage. From what I have heard, having those extra weps can be a lifesaver for a bomber in certain situations were a bomb does not seem to work well.
No doubt someone who is an actual bomber or we'll versed on bombs will help you in that regard, just wanted to throw those tips out there.
Feel free to message my in game if you have any questions on guns and swords to get.