Opinion on my gunner loadout?

I've been playing through the game as a gunslinger, and here's the gear I've been working towards (right now I'm at 4* and close to getting 5*):
Armour: Shadowsun set
I know that chaos is pretty much the objective best armour in the game but I don't actually care so I use class armour instead.
Shield: Swiftstrike buckler
Because, you know, guns.
I might go for a crest of Almire eventually but for now I'm just going to make an Aegis as my 5* shield
Elemental: Arcana
I can't be bothered to learn to play alchemers properly, plus I've never actually used the elemental blasters before.
Piercing: Gilded Griffin
As someone with awful internet connection I appreciate being able to safely spam shots and still dodge at the same time.
Shadow: Grim Repeater
Because blitz is great and all but basically everyone uses it, and like I said I can't be bothered to learn how to use alchemers :P
Opinions on what I'm going for? If there's something that you think I should be using instead say so, but please don't say "dude use chaos" because I refuse to use it.
Plus if GH ever actually listens to anyone chaos will get nerfed so yeah

Shadowsun is probably the best gunner-specific armor, except for Seerus as Zero-Chill suggested. Swiftstrike is a good idea. If you want a more defensive shield, then aim for status resistance.
Your Blaster- and Antigua-style guns are boring and not very powerful. Your Autogun-style gun is powerful but boring. Consider getting a Magnus-style gun or an alchemer; they are powerful and interesting.

I'm not going to comment on whether a playstyle is fun or boring, since that's pretty subjective, but I disagree with your statement that blasters aren't that strong. They're great all-rounders in terms of clip size, range, bullet speed, hitbox size, and knockback (not too much, not too little for pure gunners). DPS is less than alchemers on single targets, but it's not an enormous difference (at least, not enough to go from not powerful to powerful in my opinion). Blaster DPS is also more consistent and, from my experience, it's easier to hit multiple targets with a single bullet.
I would recommend Riftlocker instead of Gilded Griffin, mostly because the large hitbox makes it a lot easier to hit piercing-weak enemies. Arcana is great, but I prefer using alchs because the charge lets you take out turrets in one go. You could always make Arcana first before slowly expanding to alchs or something.
I agree that you should give Magnus guns a try. Any of them are great, including Iron Slug. You'd need to use the Perfect Mask of Seerus to get the most out of them since they're largely charge-oriented, but they're the best way to clear crowds of monsters quickly and efficiently.

I have the expansion so I will try to get perfect mask at some point. I do have a Magnus that's ready to upgrade to a mega magnus but I probably won't use iron slug: I know it's super versatile and all that, but considering even with 2 weapon slots I can always be at least normally effective with special damage types I'll probably go for callahan.
Like I said, I'm hoping to get a Crest of Almire at some point, and then some sort of shield for freeze and poison as well. For alchemers, the problem is also that you need to be precise if you're going to be good at alchemers, and with my sort of lag that's really not feasible.
I might make Riftlocker eventually but right now that'd mean I'd have to work up to it from the normal blaster when I've already got a level 5-ish raptor. Also I don't seem to have much of a problem hitting piercing weak enemies anyway.

Callahan is pretty good (one of my favourite guns too) but as you've already mentioned you got some lag and I don't think it's gonna work too well for you since most pierce-weak enemies dodge and with this you have to aim. The iron slug on the other hand can one-shot any monster that's affected by knockback if aimed right, it's not really about having specialised damage it's about its style. Because of its normal damage though it proves to be the best weapon in dealing with D&N, lumbers, lichen colonies, black kats all at once unlike the winter grave and callahan it's good EVERYWHERE. Also you don't have a normal weapon and as you said you're going to get riftlocker evantually and I don't think you want to have 3 piercing weapons and one elemental and one shadow weapon with no normal weapons. Having a normal damage weapon can be pretty useful in many cases too like when battling tortodrones, vana's mask, crowds of different enemies inside a vortex, levels with many monster families not weak to the same damage type. When I had an iron slug (it was level 1, I never leveled my stuff then but it still one-shot or two-shot any monster, there's a discussion I found then that made me craft it, it stated that its charge had more damage than ahceron against slimes/gremlins if aimed right of course) I used it as my main weapon. Now I have a callahan and a winter grave but I never use them because they aren't that good compared to my final flourish/acheron when it comes to the same scenario.
For a defensive shield, my favourite is omega shell hands down. As for your armor set I suggest that you get the perfect mask of seerus to pair with your shadowsun slicker for the status resistances and the CTR is gonna be handy when you're using autoguns or magnuses or you can use a black kat hood (if you find a cowl or a mask too expensive) also i don't think chaos is gonna get nerfed anytime soon, i suguest that you get the cloak to pair with the perfect mask of seerus. Your weapons; the arcana is my favourite gun in both PvE and PvP, the guilded griffin is kinda decent I think but I've swole my finger before because I spammed too much obsidian carbine (I'm not even kidding, that thing is dangerous) and with pierce-weak monsters dodging all the time I think you're gonna have a hard time, grim repeater is good and all till you face a crowd of slimes/gremlins spamming you with ranged attacks from every direction while you're rooted in place using it. Decent loadout but can be improved. Try using alchemers (double switch one of the elemental ones with the arcana and kill any elemental weak thing you see in under 7 seconds) I prefer nova driver for the extra damage, magnuses are also so awesome, I suggest that you craft an iron slug to use anywhere as you don't seem to have a normal damage gun, its charge does around the damage of a brandish charge (against a monster family weak to it) or more if aimed properly, useful for interrupting turrets and stun-locking dodgy monsters.