Deadly Shard Bomb

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Imagen de Clown-Town-Mayor

Hello, I was hoping to get either the Nitronome or Deadly Shard bomb and but decided on the Deadly Shard bomb because I found the explosions a bit easier on the eyes, but before I start crafting it, I just wanted to make sure is the Dead Shard bomb any good

Imagen de Bopp

Yes, Nitronome can be hard on the eyes. And the knockback can disrupt your teammates. But the knockback can also be useful in some situations, and the damage is decent.

The two shard bombs that spread status (Scintillating and Shocking Salt) are decent bombs just for that reason. But they are not widely beloved, and the other four shard bombs are even less popular. They just don't do great damage, even after the minor buff about a year ago.

So I would recommend Nitronome over Deadly Shard Bomb. (And I would recommend Dark Briar Barrage, Dark Retribution, a vortex bomb, and a haze-style bomb even more than Nitronome.)

Imagen de Zero-Chill

I'd rather get the two status shards. It's outclassed by all shard bombs while being very situational. It's good in levels like tortodrone and maybe arenas and compounds, other than that it's bad. Nitronome on the other hand is good everywhere, I've soloed most danger rooms in the arcade using nothing but Nitronome full bombastic set 2 damage trinkets and no shield (yes I did this for bullet hell without dying once, Nitronome makes turret crowds a joke). I advise you to get Nitronome. My teammates thank me for spamming it in arenas and compounds since it always saves them. Usually when in a 4-man party they just like to sit back and watch me kill everything with it. Yes it's this good, go with it, the explosions are a pro as well cause they look so beautiful. After you get the Nitronome get the 2 status shard bombs they're awesome against slimes and fiends especially if you lack damage and going for ctr instead. Another pro of them is that they work the same at 2* as 5* so you don't really have to upgrade them from 4* if you don't have enough rads.

Edit: I got ninja'd :'(

The only haze bomb I advise you to get is the sleep one torpor tantrum, electron vortex is good too if you're playing in a party of charge-spammers.

And yes DBB and DR are good too but I still prefer blasting away everything with Nitronome. I usually carry the 3 together with a deadly crystal shard bomb (the elemental one) this set might be your best bet for the best DPS pure bomber loadout with Nitronome acting as your situational shield.

Imagen de Tapproot

I agree with both posts above concerning the answer they give - If you had to choose between 2 bombs, Deadly Shard or Nitro, Nitro is objectively the best pick. On top of being better for utility in the form of knockback, it is not completely outclassed by the other bombs in the Blast Bomb path like Deadly Shard is by the rest of the shard bombs.

Now what I don't understand is the "hate", for lack of better words, against the shard bombs (rather, three shard bombs in particular). Deadly Crystal Bomb (DCB) is your only DPS Elemental bomb, and it functions well as one. As soon as shards were fixed, it was an auto pick-up for me as all it takes is 2 individual shards to be dishing out almost 400 damage to each monster in the area without any damage bonuses. On top of being a very enjoyable bomb to use, other than DCB, the only bombs that rival it in DPS vs constructs is Dark Retribution (DR) (which I do not enjoy using, so I am sort of biased against it) and vs undead is Dark Briar Barrage (DBB).
Scintillating Sun Shards (SSS) is similar in usefulness vs fiends as Shivermist Buster is vs Vanaduke. While it is not the best option gear wise to be using vs its respective enemy, it makes the battle easier. DBB outclasses SSS vs fiends in terms of damage, however SSS is not far behind and deals stun that makes dodging devilites easy, renders gorgos powerless, and wrecks greavers with a little bit of practice hitting the center shard. While DBB is a better bomb, it is still possible to have trouble with fiends as they are fast moving and dodge frequently, however stun completely negates fiends worst aspect. Because of this, it completely outclasses Deadly Splinter, which still deals less DPS than DBB due to the small and quick nature of beasts and fiends that makes them hard to hit with multiple shards.
Shocking Salt Bomb (SSB) is just really fun. Shock is incredible for crowd control and because of the extra damage provided by shock, SSB will outdamage Deadly Dark Matter Bomb (DDMB) in all occasions except for when gremlins are not bunched together. As a result, DDMB is completely outclassed. SSB also compares well to its other DPS bomb counterparts, DBB and DR. SSB is better than DR when dealing with gremlins, as gremlins like to dodge around and very frequently will not be hit by the orbs without much difficulty, and SSB will deal all of its damage in a burst while the shock locks them in place. DR is better vs slimes and constructs, but it isn't by a massive amount unless you are dealing with very slow moving enemies that will be hit by all of DR's orbs. SSB and DBB are only comparable vs gremlins and beasts due to their damage types, and I must admit that DBB is objectively better as it will deal a good amount of damage and will flinch beasts and gremlins if you have enough DMG Bonus. Like with DR, it is not too far behind in DPS though. So all SSB comes down to is being a more fun bomb (in my opinion) on top of being similar in DPS to the other bombs.
For these reasons I believe that all three shard bombs are more than just decent in performance compared to other bombs. They are effective and are very fun to use (which is what I play games for, at least). If you are wondering why I never mentioned Nitro when comparing the shard bombs with other DPS bombs (really only DR and DBB :/ ), it's because Nitro is only good because of its knockback and versatility, not DPS.

As a side note, if you haven't already picked up any of the mist bombs, there are definitely more useful ones than just Torpor Tantrum. Voltaic Tempest and Ash of Agni both are good just because shock and fire are potent statuses, and Venom Veiler's poison is good in if you ever have trouble in areas with lots of menders or silkwings. TT, VT, and Shivermist are all great for lockdown, but otherwise I avoid using Shivermist as it often can do more harm than good. I've never personally used Stagger Storm so I can not vouch for its effectiveness, however what I've been told is the stun is good for making everything easier; the only problem is that it does not last very long after the mist dissipates, so if you want the stun to stay, you will be placing the bomb and nothing else.

Imagen de Zero-Chill

TT, VT, and Shivermist are all great for lockdown...

Please stop saying that mist bombs are good in lockdown we don't need more annoying noobs.

Nitro is only good because of its knockback and versatility, not DPS.

And normal damage that makes it a perfect weapon to have at all times and its ability to interrupt every turret type in the game while being able to act effectively as a shield that you don't even need one. Nitro is all... All is nitro... After the blue screen of death fades away... You automatically win... It's a fact...

Imagen de Tapproot

Mist bombs are good in lockdown, I'm sorry you don't like people who only have mist bombs. That's not the fault of the bomb.

As far as your reply about the Nitronome, yes, I said it is versatile. Your add-in doesn't add anything.

Imagen de Zero-Chill

You meant that it performs what most bombs can do in a similar way. Isn't that what versatile means? I meant to point out that it does them better. It's the best bomb in the game without doubt in every single situation you can think of. It's the perfect example of how a "true bomb" would act. It's not just versatile... it's THE BOMB.

Imagen de Traevelliath

Mist bombs are good in lockdown. They're simply the best area denial. In a game mode that is literally about taking control of area, being able to deny huge swaths of area for a long time is perfect. If you don't like it, get good at shooting or prepare some immunity sets.

And as someone who doesn't use a Nitro, 95% of the time when a party member brings one out I groan internally and contemplate going solo. It wrecks havoc on enemy positioning, and the bright flashy nature is just annoyingly blinding. It's like a pulsar spammer but 5x more unpredictable knockback. I vastly prefer DBB which simply knocks enemies down, not away. It's effective at what it does, I wont deny that, but please don't make it sound like Jesus Christ came down from the heavens to bless it with perfection.

That honor goes to the old Radiant Sun Shards.

Imagen de Tapproot

It is not better in DPS, but it is versatile.

Versatile: able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities.

I'm not arguing that Nitro is a bad bomb. All I'm saying is that it deals less DPS than all of the bombs I've listed when they are against their respective monster family, and that it is good because you can use it for almost every situation effectively. I don't understand why you are being so defensive of something that we've both agreed is good.

Finally, it is objectively false to say that the Nitro is the best bomb in every situation. Well placed Torpor Tantrums can save parties single handedly in places such as Heart of Ice by instantly temporarily disabling many dangerous monsters. Vortex bombs will speed up any level tremendously by clumping up monsters for you or your friends to hit with a powerful charge attack from something like a brandish or slug. A DBB can flinch lock gremlins, beasts, and fiends in place to quickly kill instead if flinging them all over the place. A DR can eradicate slow moving enemies such as lichen colonies, lumbers, and even the royal jelly in seconds. There are many things a Nitro can't do that other bombs can. But the Nitro can do a lot of things that nothing else can in many different functions. That makes it versatile and unique.

Imagen de Zero-Chill

Mist bombs are good in lockdown. They're simply the best area denial. In a game mode that is literally about taking control of area, being able to deny huge swaths of area for a long time is perfect.

Ok then let's all spam pola and torpor and gf cause that's all ld is about. Only spam. There's no other way to win or have fun. Who said lockdown was supposed to be fun anyway?!

get good at shooting or prepare some immunity sets.

You think I even see the mist bombs? And no I'm not one of those strikers who just rush straight into a point. And if I didn't render its effect my screen will freeze violently.

when a party member brings one out I groan internally and contemplate going solo.

Get a gun or don't go near the guy with nitro cause he probably does more DPS than you.

It wrecks havoc on enemy positioning...

Well not everyone is good at chain-bombing with nitro's knockback. But once you get the grasp of it you can trap crowds into a single side of a room while keeping your teammates safe and dealing a lot of damage. Or you can use it to shield your team with knockback effectively creating a safe-zone when your teammates are on low health to hide in and gun from a distance.

and the bright flashy nature is just annoyingly blinding.

That's how god looks like son...

That honor goes to the old Radiant Sun Shards.

I haven't used the old RSS cause I just joined a few years ago but I saw it at work and it's not as good as nitro when it comes to constructs and slimes. It seemed pretty fun though. And very effective at dealing with the other enemies. Has a good aspect of utility as well.

I vastly prefer DBB which simply knocks enemies down.

Yeah it's good at what it does but Nitronome is still better and if you take into your account that DBB doesn't interrupt alpha wolvers on the deeper depths or turrets then you'd actually see that Nitronome is still better than DBB for wolver levels. Gremlins? They got constructs with them as well. Just nitro you way through any level it makes you feel like a god.

Imagen de Zero-Chill


I should've clarified. It isn't the best bomb in every single situation but it's the single best bomb in every single situation. There, fixed. Also yeah vortexes are awesome but do they work well on their own? They deal pitiful damage on their own they have to be supplemented by another weapon. Torpor's only purpose is area denial but it also can't work on it's own and you have to make use of the time monsters sleep in and as a user of maskraith pet I can safely say that the only place I find it useful is in the unknown passage where teamwork is most important and there are a lot of minsters in a very limited area. Other than that my shadow cloak is way better since enemies who can't sleep can't see me. It's good for new players or people who don't know a lot about bombing though. Don't get me wrong on the vortexes though. You can still pair them with other weapons but if you can't make use of them as quickly as possible they won't be that good.

Imagen de Tapproot

Who cares what the best bomb is on its own. You have 2+ weapons at all times. And even when looked at on its own, Nitro still loses to DBB and DR in relation to DPS.

Imagen de Traevelliath

Ugh... Why am I investing this much into this debate...

Ok then let's all spam pola and torpor and gf cause that's all ld is about. Only spam. There's no other way to win or have fun. Who said lockdown was supposed to be fun anyway?!

Not sure how you got spam out of my statements, but I assume you're talking about spamming area denial? The reason why they aren't the only things being spammed is because the other half of area denial is taking area instead. You ever walked up to someone while trying to charge a bomb? They wreck you hard, assuming equal level combatants (If you're up against idiots, then you can get away with charging right in their face). Sure a bomb is good at keeping someone away, but it doesn't take area nearly as effectively as more... direct combat.

(As for Pulsar spam, just dive them. Un-expanded pulsar shots are only slightly more potent than violent farts. People have gotten good at this, which is why Pulsar spam isn't as common as it used to be)

Whether you like it or not, lockdown is a competitive multiplayer environment. You cannot deny a strategy is effective just because you don't like it.

Moving back onto the topic of Nitro...
Get a gun or don't go near the guy with nitro cause he probably does more DPS than you.

First of all, why must I have to re-do my entire loadout/playstyle because you want to use one weapon? This is why I contemplate going solo. Nitro spam demands that teammates adapt to the Nitro, whether they want to or not.

Second, what are the two most effective DPS guns right now? Magnuses and Autoguns. Both of which need the enemy positions to remain consistent. Missing an Autogun charge can be disastrous for your health due to how long you're rooted in place, while a Magnus charge can lose almost all of it's damage if the enemy isn't positioned and rotated just right. I use guns a lot, these two guns in particular. Constantly shifting enemy positions makes both of these guns far less effective. Not unusable, but less effective.

Ultimately though, in PvE, the question boils down to "Why control when you can just kill?" Sure you can herd all the enemies into a corner (heck you can do that with shield bumping), but why bother when the act of herding them and then killing them takes more time than just attacking directly. If your knockback causes an autogun to miss their 2500+ damage charge shot, then you've just caused your team's DPS to drop dramatically. If a swordsman can't stand and slash a target, then you've caused your team's DPS to drop dramatically.

(Of course this flips a bit when you are legit have your back to your wall and are on the verge of collapse. However, personally I haven't had this happen to me in years outside of the Unknown Passage and DaN)

TBH, I put Nitro in the same category as Pulsars in terms of weapons that feel awesome to use, but can potentially screw over your team while still giving you a power trip which blinds you to their struggle. It, like the Pulsar, does still have a purpose and is worthy of a spot in your arsenal. However it definitely isn't the godly weapon you are describing.

Re-reading this post I realized that we're basically arguing both sides of the same debate, but focused on two different weapons.
- You find mist bombs cancerous and want to discourage people from using them.
- You find Nitro to be incredibly powerful if used right
- I find mist bombs to be incredibly powerful if used right
- I find Nitro to be cancerous and want to discourage people from using it.

Imagen de Zero-Chill

I'll leave a rating for my favorite bombs, maybe you'll understand me better:

Nitro (100/10) shield + crowd control + damage dealer + team support weapon + turret silenter + mechaknight killer + mender cornerer + scatterbot disposer + fun, AKA the god of bombs or 🅱esus.

DBB/DCB/DR (10/10) main DPS source for bombers

CV/EV/OC (8/10) strong status instead of minor on haze bombs + inflicts it on more monsters by grouping them together also very good in parties.

TT (8/10) the only haze bomb worth having due to its unique status that can only be inflicted by this single weapon.

SSS/SSB (8/10) best used when you don't have enough experience with DBB/DR or when you don't have enough damage bonus, otherwise, falls short in terms of DPS, the statuses are still very useful though and can be used to inflict status on enemies who are resistant to minor haze status like tortodrones(I don't think there's another monster lol maybe lockdown but not exactly this good unless used by experienced hands).

Other haze bombs (6/10) VT/VV/AoA get their damage done by vortexes better while providing more crowd control, shiver is absolutely worthless and I don't advise anyone to craft that weapon unless they're planning to do a lot of C42 runs with noobs who don't have any status resistant or just for lord vanaduke's boss fight. There's literally no other use for it. Stun isn't that good, can still be used against wolvers but they're already easy. Stun and freeze only get (2/10). Even in LD stun isn't that good. I literally used to dash into stun hazes with mad bomber and just kill the spammer with my DBB without a single bit of difficulty or even a single point of stun resistance. Other hazes get 5/10 because although vortexes deal better statuses, sometimes you need a field of status like when you're waiting for a darkfang thwacker to face you or dropping the shield of a mortafire (yes they drop their shields when exposed to haze, even if they don't get inflicted upon by the status). All of them are cancer in lockdown. Doesn't affect my rating but whatever. Except for shivermist, everyone has freeze resistance... That thing is just useless...

Graviton vortex (6/10) not as good as other vortexes but at least gets the job done, the damage difference compared to OC is almost nothing if you count how strongly strong stun affects monsters when healers are around.

Other shard bombs (5/10) not really that good compared to SSS and SSB especially if you have DBB and DR. Deadly shard bomb gets 3/10 as it's just awful compared to nitro in terms of use but it outclasses it in terms of damage if you always land enough hits per bomb but it has erratic knockback unlike nitro's which is fairly predictable unless you don't know how a bomb works. The only place where it outclasses it and I mean ONLY this place is te tortodrone fight where you can land many hits with a single bomb (well at least till tinks start to kick in once you hit the tortodrone with 3 shards at once).

Other blast bombs: BAB gets 11/10 good for trolling in lockdown and pve parties. ID line gets around 5/10 good damage chance for stun slow fuse time allows you to set traps and lower charge time than BAB also you can leave it at 4* if you're running low on rads as it'll reach the range of a regular 5* bomb at 4*. They're good when you want to set up a secret second wall of explosion in lockdown. First place one of these bombs then a Nitronome. When one goes off your enemy will think the path is clear only to get blasted in the face with another bomb. Not really effective but it's a pretty fun trolling method. Heavy decon only gets a 2/10 for having a good bonus but reduced damage and only goes to 4* which means even an unheated nitro would do better damage against monsters other than construct.