FSC set

I currently use...
Black Kat set, Final Flourish, Storm Driver, Savage Tortofist, Polaris
For zombies I keep single switching Storm Driver till I get close enough to use Final Flourish and keep double switching it with storm driver or single switch it on cornered zombies.
For trojans I wait for them to attack and keep single switching Final Flourish, usually takes around 1-2 rounds of assault to kill one trojan.
I use Polaris on turrets, when cornered or to push zombies or trojans away from my party members to protect them.
For the boss fight I use Savage Tortofist charges which act as a blend between Blitz Needle and Shivermist Buster doing decent damage and providing some crowd control, where the lodged shards prevent lord vanadioe from passing through with his dash while also doing damage.
So, the thing is... I got kicked from more than a party with the excuse that I'm "slowing them down" so I was thinking about crafting a set to use in FSC which is...
Chaos set, Voltedge, Warmaster Rocket Hammer, Electron Vortex, Blitz Needle
Or I can just get CTR med UV's and still use Black Kat set.
So, my question is... Is crafting a set dedicated for FSC worth? Or should I just stay with what I use now?

Solo, Final Flourish charge followed up by 1-2 hits can kill a trojan, I do that while solo but in parties I prefer to single switch it.
Regarding the Storm Driver ricochets... I've tried using the normal hits for internal ricochets on zombies and turrets aiming slightly to the right of the monster but I still can't do them. Do you have any tips for that? For now, Polaris does more damage than Storm Driver against turrets for me. Against crowds of zombies, however, I have no problems taking advantage of the ricochets to deal damage to multiple monsters at a time.
Well, Blitz Needle isn't bad, but it won't be as much help to parties as Savage Tortofist and on solo, won't be as safe. Also if I use either of Storm Driver or Polaris, I'd use Storm Driver for parties and Polaris for solo.
I actually do have a Blitz Needle with CTR med that I used before getting my Savage Tortofist CTR med, but most of the time I just used my Final Flourish against trojans cause it simply doesn't require setup and doesn't have any risks for example to fire the charge too late so it hits the trojan's shield instead, causing it to ve able to damage you easily mid-charge. Or just firing it into nothing wasting your time. So I only used it for the boss fight. I also use the Svage Tortofist only in the boss fight.
I already have an Electron Vortex but it's without CTR so I was gonna get one with CTR med along with a Voltedge with CTR med, or I could just get a clean Voltedge and Chaos set. I've actually never used an elemental Brandish variant before, is it as good vs zombies as Acheron is against slimes, or is it that much weaker? Is it better than Warmaster Rocket Hammer or Blitz Needle on vortexed enemies? Cause I might substitute the Voltedge with Warmaster Rocket Hammer so I'll only need to get a UV'd vortex.
Currently, I use Final Flourish charges in vortexes, I believe it does more damage than Combuster or Glacius but I'm not sure about Voltedge or Warmaster Rocket Hammer. I'm pretty sure that Blitz Needle does more damage than all of them but it's riskier.

Regarding the Storm Driver ricochets... I've tried using the normal hits for internal ricochets on zombies and turrets aiming slightly to the right of the monster but I still can't do them. Do you have any tips for that?
I have a FAQ about it. But probably you already know it and just need practice. In any event, hitting a stationary target is easier than hitting a moving target, so practice on turrets.
Blitz Needle isn't bad, but it won't be as much help to parties as Savage Tortofist...
I don't know whether that is true. Expert players can beat Vanaduke using Blitz Needles extremely rapidly. But none of that is really relevant. The point is that close-minded players want Blitz Needle. So, if you want to appeal to them, then you should carry it.
[other comments about using Blitz Needle]
Blitz Needle is dangerous, because it locks you up for a period of time. To use it, you must know the monster AI and perfectly time your attacks around it. Your comments suggest that you just need more practice.
I've actually never used an elemental Brandish variant before, is it as good vs zombies as Acheron is against slimes, or is it that much weaker?
Acheron inflicts more damage, but the other Brandishes instead inflict status, which can be very helpful. The problem is that freeze stops the target from riding the wave of explosions, so it decreases your damage. And shock suffers from this problem a little bit. So I recommend Combuster, even in FSC, where almost all of the monsters are immune to fire. In short, yes, Combuster is nearly as powerful as Acheron.
Is it better than Warmaster Rocket Hammer or Blitz Needle on vortexed enemies?
I don't have concrete data, but my guess is that Autogun-style charges will out-damage anything against a vortex. Someone with more vortex experience may chime in.

As someone who shivs Vana in pubs, a Tortofist would *really* piss me off. The constant damage ticks basically nullify a shiv's freeze. One of the benefits of the Blitz is that it delivers all it's damage in a small time frame, which minimizes the time Vana spends unfrozen. More time he is unfrozen, the more he turns -> the more he turns, the more often someone is in front of him -> when someone is in front of his face, he attacks -> if Vana can attack, shadow fire spawns, lag spikes and the fight gets more chaotic and difficult to control.
The other benefit of the Blitz is that it outright one-shots Trojans. Removes them from the fight instantly. It can also almost instantly kill a Slag Guard in a full party too.
As for vortex combos, Brandish charges are good. Personally I find Magnus Charges at max range to be the best, but they tend to cause lag-spikes. The problem with the Rocket Hammer is that you get stuck next to the vortex of enemies, which will often get you hit if you stay too long. Brandish charges get you in then out rather quickly. Divine Avenger charge also works, but that it is still a bit... fiddly... It'll fizzle out if you have your back to a wall when you use it. If you want to go goofy, pull out a Triglav or a Sudaraska to drop a mountain on them. Not as effective as a Brandish charge or a DA charge, but it is satisfying.
That said, if you run face first into a vortex and start swinging your normal combos, I can almost guarantee that you'll get hit in the face. Again, quick in, quick out.

Thank you for the tips. I might ask some other players about this matter or just test it myself.
Concerning the Brandish charges, I think that Voltedge would be the best at its job since I'll mainly use the charge on the vortex, not to push the zombies away. I would prefer them to stay near and combo them. But again IDK if Voltedge's charge can outdamage Final Flourish's charge on vortexed enemies. I would bet on Final Flourish since it has more hits but with the Voltedge you don't stay open for as much time and can combo after the charge.
I don't think you understand how tortofists work against lord vanaduke. The lodged shards from the shards prevent him from dashing through while also doing damage. To take its full advantage while solo you need to land the shards where he will dash, right in front of him. And stay there preparing another charge. He'll dash at you getting damage while you're completely safe. On parties it doesn't do as much damage except when your teammates are mostly in one place or just attack from that place which is pretty easy to predict TBH. What I'm trying to say here is that Shivermist Buster is just completely useless in a party where a person or more have tortofists since they offer some crowd control while still doing damage.
I tried the Divine Avenger charge a lot of time before I sold it, and I didn't exactly like it. It pushed the monsters out of the vortex sometimes causing them to not get the blast and shock, it didn't do that much damage to compensate for it either.

And I don't think you understand what I'm saying. I'm saying that Shiv + Tortofist is outright incompatible. If you're trying to make a more "standard" FSC loadout with more standard FSC geared players, it just doesn't work with a shiv. Admittedly, not all pubs will have a shiv, so this is not something you always need to worry about... but the thread seems to have stemmed from FSC pubs getting mad at your loadout. I'm merely pointing out what part of your loadout would piss me off as an FSC pub player.
Also, one thing I forgot about Vortex combos is your sprite. My personal favorite is the Seraphynx's Disintegration Ray, which does both good amounts of Elemental damage to stationary targets and reduces a target's defenses. Maskeraith's Quills can also work well, especially if you have that one quill upgrade which jumps to other targets on hit. Drakon is arguably the worse in FSC, as the only practical skill is Frenzied Firestorm. The boost is good, but one of the benefits to using the Kitty Lazor and Mask Quills is that they have relatively short cooldowns, letting you get off multiple Vortex+Lazor/Quill combos per fight.

Well, nowadays I rarely see someone with Shivermist Buster, thank god people realized at it's the worst bomb. So it's not really a problem for me to run with Shivermist Buster users.
I know about the pet abilities but I still don't use my Electron Vortex in FSC since it doesn't have enough CTR.
I modified my loadout BTW. I now equip my Blitz Needle instead of Savage Tortofist. I usually use it for killing 3 zombies which are very close to each other and trojans plus the boss fight ofc. It's not as dangerous as I thought, though still riskier than just using Final Flourish, died a couple times cause of a few underestimates.
I might just roll on my Electron Vortex to get CTR med+, I rolled like 140k so far and got 2 CTR lows so that's a good sign I hope...
Might also buy a CTR med brandish to get a Voltedge, but I still don't know if it's worth, I don't know where exactly I'll have to use it over Final Flourish since I can do about the same damage concerning Final Flourish's speed.
I tried the vortex in PvE a lot before since I was a bomber so it would be at least a bit faster than spamming Storm Driver and Final Flourish normal hits on zombies I guess...
I honestly don't expect that big of a difference but it would still be better I think.

Final Flourish is underrated, so I'm glad to see players using it. (When it had long length instead of the current short length, it was even better. But Three Rings nerfed it for the sake of PvP.) But it probably hinders your acceptance by close-minded players. Anyway, Blitz Needle might be all you need to be accepted. Cheers.

I cant see how Shiv is bad. I mean, lets say we are on FSC, if we slap a Shiv on front of a ton of slags, it will be really annoying, but it helps a lot on the boss fight. More than another blitz IMO.
Though, i found your loadout to be really interesting. Maybe not as effective as a Brandish / Blitz spammer loadout, but it seems really viable and tries something unusual.

Well, I usually see that you should always be doing damage, that's all. Even in a pure bomber loadout, there isn't a place where I brought Shivermist Buster. I used to have all bombs and this bomb was one of the very very few that I never actually used. For FSC's boss fight I used Dark Retribution till the last phase where I targeted the Almirian Guards with Deadly Crystal Bomb and defensive barriers.

Shivermist Buster helps novices tremendously, by allowing them to control Vanaduke and the slag guards. But experts know the AI well enough that they don't need that control. They are able to spend all of their time inflicting damage. So an expert party considers a Shivermist bomber to be a waste of time.

You know what... I disagree with the idea that an expert party is faster without a shiv. If your blitzers are in sync, then you blitz as often as a CTR Max Blitz can go, without having to bait attacks or dodge (beyond moving in a circle around Vana while he's frozen, but you can easily do that while charging). At worst, the fight takes *maybe* 10 seconds longer, for like 10x the risk, at the end of a 20-30 minute long run. People don't like it because it's monotonous, so it feels like it takes longer.
And that argument falls on it's face when you bring a *Dark Retribution*(!?) into FSC to deal with zombies. I sure hope you meant Dark Briar Barrage. Furthermore, we're talking FSC pubs here, not top tier skilled play.
I'll admit that a Shiv isn't the perfect bomb in most situations, because you tend to not need the hard disable as much (if not outright hindering your movement as it prevents shield bumping). However, the few times you want that hard disable is with Trojans, and Dreadnoughts (Slag Guards), to keep their orientation consistent (and by extension, their weakpoint). Vanaduke too needs that hard disable to prevent him from attacking wildly, and flooding the arena with shadow fire.
Well, I usually see that you should always be doing damage, that's all
Going back to "reasons why I would kick you from my FSC party," doing this while I'm using a Shiv would be a major one. When a target is frozen, you prep to do a large damage burst to break the freeze, instead of instantly breaking it with a peck. Doing it against frozen Trojans, for example, would infuriate me.

It's a question of having 4 Blitzers vs. 3 Blitzers. They just pump out damage 4/3 as quickly. (By the way, it might be nice to have a Plague Needle or maskewraith quills in there.) But I agree that very few parties are so optimized that it makes a big difference. The time wasted chatting afterwards often negates the time saved during the fight.
Personally I don't care. If someone wants to Shivermist, that's fine. If everybody wants to Blitz, that's fine. Tiny optimizations are not worth any interpersonal friction.
What's not fine is when someone is Shivermisting and someone else is peppering Vanaduke with Argent Peacemaker shots, continually breaking the freeze. This happened to me in the old days, when not everybody was Blitzing all the time yet. So I agree with Traevelliath about that.

I clearly said Dark Retribution... It is actually the best bomber option for Lord Vanaduoe but I only use it on him and slimes and turrets except in the final wave where he comes invincible to shadow then I use Dark Broar Barrage to finish him off which I also used for zombies. Deadly Crystal Shard bomb is the one for zombies, Electron Vortex got decent damage on it's own if you can chain it right. And finally, Nitronome, the best bomb in existence but I pretty much only use it solo or when I get cornered.
Back to Dark Retribution... Actually in a party of unexperienced Blitzer's I take aggro from vana since I do so much damage with the correct placement, it's much safer but it's damage cap isn't as high as blitz cause of blitz's piercing damage. But still, it's much safer and quite fun.
On shuvermist... There's not a single place in the game where I wouldn't pick any other 5* bomb over it. Even in C54 using volcanic demo set and dark retribution and carry the party is much faster than using shiver to protect your teammates. You just do so much damage that you render your teammates almost useless if they aren't in your bomb range at all times luring monsters into it. Even when you only have +8 cire resist instead of 9 to be immune to fire, you'll still finish quicker while dying less because of your speed without shiver.

Electron Vortex is great.. but maybe not so much if you're doing random parties. Randoms don't want to wait for the bomb to go off and will knock enemies out of the area first. Or if you try to pre-place one at a button they won't get on until the bomb already goes off.

I never do random parties. It's always with my friends or their friends.

I never do random parties. It's always with my friends or their friends.
And they still kick you out? Wow, some friends.
Okay I don't exactly know why people are kicking you from vana, cuz people never even did that to me when I was like 4* joining guildmates, but if you think it's because your gear this is what you should bring
1. Black kat or chaos set
2. 2 quick draw modules for the blitz needle
3. Electron vortex
4. Voltege, Combuster or Glacius
5. Blitz needle
6. Strom Driver
7. Set you sprite buff to "Ghostbuster" which is damage bonus vs undead if your using chaos to give max damage vs undead if you use black kat then set it to sword or gun focus which does CTR.
I gaurntee, this is the most efficient set you can use, nobody would kick you if you had all this stuff in your FSC set. Just Fyi a lot of people like Blitz and consider it the necessary weapon for vanaduke(me included) because it can eliminate a trojan or deadnaught immediately from the fight and because it deals such heavy damage to vanaduke. IMO blitz needle is a heck of a lot more handy than Final Flourish in FSC.
Regarding your first set: It is creative and I believe you that it works well. Congratulations. It's disappointing that other players can be so close-minded. Have you tried charging Final Flourish into trojans? Solo, at least, it should kill them. Have you tried killing turrets using Storm Driver? Because they can't move, they're easy targets for alchemer ricocheting.
Regarding your second set: It's so orthodox that you should have no trouble being accepted to parties. And yes, farming FSC is common enough that it's reasonable to craft a set specifically for FSC.
But I would like to propose a third way. In each of your sets there is redundancy (Storm Driver vs. Polaris, and Voltedge vs. WRH), simply because four weapon slots is more than anyone really needs. What if you, for example, replaced Polaris with Blitz Needle? Then you might be accepted, but with a set that you mostly enjoy, and without spending a ton of resources.