What tortodrone shield should I get?

5 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Lohroc

I got an Owlite shield and I'll get Almire Crest soon so I got elemental and shadow covered. I don't care for piercing damage much so I was thinking about getting the Grand Tortoise. Is that a good choice or is there a reason for getting the others instead?

Imagen de Bopp

Hi, Lohroc. This question comes up pretty often. You can find threads by searching the web for something like tortodrone shield site:forums.spiralknights.com.

If you're choosing shields by damage type, then I disagree with your premise. You might want to check out my brand-new and not-quite-finished guide to choosing a shield. Status is more important than damage. So actually Crest of Almire is somewhat redundant with Grey Owlite.

For deciding among the four tortodrone shields, there seem to be two schools of thought:

* Gorgomega is the only non-promo shield to offer freeze and stun resistance. And those occur together, because there are freeze levels and stun is everywhere. In particular, freeze lumbers inflict freeze and stun and are annoying if they ever hit you.

* Savage Tortoise is the only shield to offer poison and shock. I can't think of any levels where they occur together, but maybe someday there will be such levels. And meanwhile it can serve as a shock shield or a poison shield for anyone who lacks those.

Imagen de Fehzors-Forum-Alt

I'd get gorgomega for the reasons Bopp says. There are two other very powerful enemies that it resists perfectly- normal/ice grievers and trojans... this means heart of ice.

Imagen de Lohroc
But which one is the best at

But which one is the best at different situations? I'll only be getting one of those and I wanted to use it often. XP

Imagen de Bopp

Grand Tortoise is best when the threats are stun status, and heavy normal damage.

Savage Tortoise is best when the threats are shock and poison status, and normal and piercing damage.

Omegaward is best when the threats are fire and freeze status, and normal and elemental damage.

Gorgomega is best when the threats are freeze and stun status, and normal and shadow damage.

But at this point I'm just reading the statistics to you, so it's a waste of everyone's time. Especially because you've already had concrete, concise opinions from two respondents. Ask a different and more-specific question.

Imagen de Zero-Chill

Offense is the best defense. So far from what I've seen you look like a sword main, I suggest that you just get Barbarous Thorn Shield and ignore the others since you ARE going to need the damage bonus. If you're going for a torto shield I suggest Savage Tortoise, it's the only piercing/normal shield that protects against poison which means Dreams and Nightmares would become fairly easy due to the largest threat being the piercing poison barbs that slimes shoot in random directions and if you got a bit long response time they will certainly give you a very hard time. Having normal defense makes it viable against all the other enemies there. Shock is always nice to have around quicksilvers as well it's a niche situation that you won't find often though. You wouldn't want Gorgomega except when you've come to very late end-game where you're bored and want to craft specific sets for each danger mission the only use outside of Heart of Ice that you'll get out of it aside from protecting from some greavers and devilites every now and then is enduring a hit from a silversap (freeze lumber). Omegaward is the only shield with freeze and fire resistance which makes it unique. It's good in most levels but its best use is in The Grinchlin Assault mission that occurs in Christmas where you are up against fire and freeze threats with a lot of elemental/normal damage monsters and when it comes you know you'll want to grind it, it's usually hard to do without reviving so having a good shield is crucial there. Grand Tortoise isn't so good, it's basically Ancient Plate Shield with a different shield dash and MSD (movement speed decrease) low. If you're looking for an all-rounder go for Omega Shell, its massive health bar makes it decent at everything but doesn't perform as well as the others do in each situations, it's good when you wanna have only one heavy duty shield. But again my suggestion is that you just ditch all of the shields and go for Barbarous Thorn Shield but keep them in your arsenal, don't sell them till you're comfortable with your Barbarous Thorn Shield. Except when you're gonna grind Dreams and Nightmares then go for Savage Tortoise. Stay away from Grand Tortoise and consider Omegaward and Gorgomega for the reasons I've mentioned.