Wolver armor

Doesn't any of you find it weird that even though the wolvers themselves are resistant to elemental and weak to piercing, the armor made out of their hide is actually resistant to piercing and weak to elemental? The slime armor makes sense, slime resist piercing so do their armor but the wolver armor is reversed.

You do realize that SK is a game where darkness literally manifest into physical form to attack you. If you are looking for realism this is not the game for you.
For example, my Valkyrie armor gets set on fire a lot, but it is mostly metal and the fallen armor is very fire resistant even though the two armor are similar. You can argue that it is the fabrics on my legs that is the fuel for the fire, but by that logic, why is magic hood set very fire resistant when it is literally all fabrics? I think you get the point.

The point being made has nothing to do with realism, and everything to do with consistency. No one is arguing that this game is realistic, there are massive mechanical trees, wolves that can burrow through the ground long distances practically instantly, undead, a hand mixer that shoots electric boomerang balls, and a whole lot more. Stuff that isn't realistic in real life, but is made to be realistic in the game's universe. All that is being said is that it's weird that you can wear the skin of an animal that people can poke holes in easily, and be more resistant to poking somehow. It's inconsistent, which hurts the "reality" created for Spiral Knight's universe - not that many people care about the lore anyway, but that's beside the point. Realism != consistency

People used to kill animals with swords to make leather armor to protect them in battle. It kinda makes sense it's just some light protection, not gonna save your life as metal armor would but can still work.

Initially, I was going to make a comment about the description of wolver coat:
"A thick garment to protect your hide, made from a Wolver who failed to protect his."
This could be explained through usage of poor quality hides for making wolver gear.
However, I ran into another inconsistency... the description of Ash Tail Coat:
"This well-made hide coat is self-heating, protecting the wearer from freeze attacks. The secret? A tiny pinch of blaze pepper."
I'll point out that Ash Tail Coat does not require blaze pepper for crafting.
At the very least, the materials seem a bit more consistent for what sort of resistances the equipment provides. In the grand scheme of things, I'd postulate that the actual armor resistances are dictated by the materials. The other components are just a consequence of stitching those materials together (can't use monster bones with magic cloaks, but fabrics work well there... and provide elemental defense).

I asked fartyface about this once, long ago. His answer is as good as anything.

but is made to be realistic in the game's universe. < thats what i was thinking
sry dont know how to make those nice quotes and stuff.
ty for that thread, loved the ideas and explanation there :D
I noticed a lot of these weird inconsistents on some itens, the description talk about material or a function that the item does not have
I also find it very nice that the 2 star itens are usually some normal weapons that every single knight have or just a bit of stone molded as a sword (troika) and then the 5 star versions are itens of legendary and over the top power feared by all monster and seemingly powerful beyond anything.
Yes I do. That is weird. Maybe...nope, I lost it.