Sudaruska nerfed???

6 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Rodovisky

So i just bought a full regal node slime set, shield sword and costume (so cool :3)
but from what I remenbered the sudaruska was a lot stronger than that, I remenber being able to use a khorovod on fsc whithout much suffering with that crazy charge attack, but it seens to be inconstant, much of the times I use the charge it ends up hitting only once instead of the double hit it did,
and i dont know if im using it wrong or if it has been nerfed.

Full chaos armor and most of the time the mobs survive a charge on elite solo.

Imagen de Bopp
not to my knowledge

I've been using Sudaruska a fair amount recently, and it's been behaving as it always has. And there haven't been any announcements. So there doesn't seem to be any nerf.

But you might be more observant than I am.

Imagen de Rodovisky

I was thinking and maybe the issue I'm having is with the level, I remember a head a khorovod but it was lvl 10, and the node is about lvl 3, can't really understand how the 5 star are weaker than the 4 star and maybe that's why I'm felling weird with it.

Imagen de Bopp

Typically, a 4-star weapon at heat level 10 does about as much damage as its 5-star upgrade at heat level 7 or 8. It's well documented and discussed to death. So, yes, you could just be feeling the effect of heat.

Imagen de Skepticraven

Depends on the weapon you're using and the depth you're fighting at... but that "stronger" is typically closer to level 8-9 for 5* weapons for depths 18+. For depths 18-, the unheated 5* weapon is stronger.
Link to nova/prisma comparison numbers.

Imagen de Rodovisky
Skepticraven ty a lot :) that


ty a lot :) that clarified a lot of my doubts, its very bad that they literally discourage to make 5 star items :/
gonna work my up to lvl 10 on that one anyway because it fits my costume :p

Imagen de Rodovisky
I got it the problem was I

I got it
the problem was I believed the charge attack would do both hits on the very tip of the blade where the energy/light blast would appear, but the first hit actually happens a little closer to the knight.
now it is just as usual :)