fall prize box

5 replies [Last post]
Lordcalvinheins's picture

me thinks this is the place to put this.

Hello everyone, can someone post a picture of the scythe(s?) that everyone is talking about on imgur or something similar? I haven't been able to log on recently and want to see what everyones talking about.

Bopp's picture
not really

Sorry --- i can't help you.

I recommend that you move this thread to Arsenal or General Discussion. New recruits don't worry so much about reskins of items that they can't obtain anyway.

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Lordcalvinheins's picture

oh cool thanks! do you know what weapon it acts like?


I think I heard they are reskins of Leviathan Blade. The stats match, too. I've never seen them in action, so I can't tell you for sure.

Fehzors-Forum-Alt's picture

I have them and can confirm that they are leviathan blades.