Barbarous Thorn vs Owlite

3 respuestas [Último envío]
Legacy Username

I've only just got to Tier 2, but I'm thinking long-term for items. Everywhere, I keep hearing that Grey Owlite is the golden standard for shields, but having found little, if any, comparison between Owlite and Barbarous Thorn shield on these forums, I was wondering if anyone could help illuminate the pros and cons of each shield beyond the numbers to be found on the wiki. Which shield is better overall for a mixed sword/gun userr?

Legacy Username
For shield stats, the

For shield stats, the defenses and statuses are the amount of a type of damage a shield can take before breaking. These stats do not reduce the damage you take while not shielded.

For pros and cons of various shields, simply compare their stats using the knowledge above. Essentially, shields vary in usefulness based on the monsters you will be facing.

After learning to dodge (instead of shield absorbing) attacks, experienced players tend to use the Swiftstrike Buckler or Barbarous Thorn Shield.

Legacy Username
Aight, sounds good. Thanks!

Aight, sounds good. Thanks!

Imagen de Pawn

Owlite is a better shield.
However, it is not always the better choice.

Case in point, i have a grey owlite and a barbarous thorn. If i'm going into t2 i almost always take my thorn shield for the attack bonus because i simply don't need the grey owlite to survive. I can solo t3, so t2 is no problem. Therefore i'd rather have the shield that gives me a bonus to how quickly i can clear the tier (attack bonus, rather than better protection).

Realistically most people end up running t2 more than t3, so you could argue then that the thorn is better (practicality standpoint).
Hope that helps