12 respuestas [Último envío]

Heeey you know what i want? a little buff for the plate mail armor and a new plate mail
those armor are so cool they have a great defense but, the problem is they make you slow, sure you are strong and slow but not stronger, is a tank armor, but you don´t do great damage, and the heavy sword are slow and plus the armor is VERY slow, one slime can kill you faster before you can hit him with the sword, the heavy sword i mean, troika and the others

this armor need to have a bonus, like "Sword Damage Bonus: Low" in both parts, that will be cool and useful,
but sure you can use the trinkets bonus, but most of the armor have a cool bonus to help them to be useful
and also a new plate mail armor with SHADOW defense, there is the elemental defense and the piercing defense but not the shadow defense, that can be a new shadow lair armor or just in the hall of heroes

i will love to have at least the armor or a little buff for those armor


Imagen de Bopp

Yes, those are some of the weaker armor lines. To balance armor, either the weak lines should be buffed or the strong lines should be nerfed.

Imagen de Fehzors-Forum-Alt

I don't really think we need updates to the game to be honest. We're happy with it the way it is.

Imagen de Zero-Chill

Personally, I don't think nerfing the stronger armor sets is the right thing to do but I'd like to see the monster-specific and "tanky" armor sets buffed in what they do. This topic had been discussed A LOT. Also don't mind anyone who thinks cosmetics are content.

Imagen de Fehzors-Forum-Alt

You can't just gate keep me like that Zero Chill. It's wrong.

Besides, I speak for a majority of players. No one really wants anything but prize boxes.

Imagen de Ill-Iowol-Ill
Are you sure?

I know lots of people want new/more missions... don't you?

Imagen de Bomber-Max

Don't take his/her too seriously. He/She likes to speak ironically sometimes.

Please, move it to Suggestions subforum.

Imagen de Fehzors-Forum-Alt

Why does that mean you should dismiss what I write?

Imagen de Bomber-Max

Look at your own nickname. Your nickname is a bad propaganda on its own, corrupted politician.

Imagen de Bamzalot
How about this wild idea!

The Plate Mail sets are suppose to be the best for staying alive at the cost of being the worst at killing, right? Well, "tank" armors in this game are practically useless on the account of defense doing almost nothing.

After playing Earth Defense Force and experiencing the Fencer class, I believe the two best ways to really make Plate Mail keep you alive is to increase health or mobility. Yeah, lets do that. Give Ironmight and Volcanic Plate jet boosters or something so they shave off 4 seconds of dash cool down per piece. That'll ensure the user survives by being able to dodge spam. Alternatively, give them rapid shield regeneration so they can shield tank or bash around a room nonstop. Titan Plate comes close to having high health, but it's not good enough. Give that set 25 health per piece so it really can survive everything.

There. Problem solved. These armors now do what they promise to do and you get new weird gameplay styles out of them. Does making the tank sets speedy dashers make sense? No, but who cares. Actual defense surely isn't going to do the trick so may as well go with something gimmicky. Maybe you think this is overpowered, I say being able to roll in with CTR + Damage Very High thanks to Chaos so you can one hit kill everything in your path before it can even react is overpowered. Lets just make everything overpowered!

Imagen de Sir-Pandabear

I see you are a man of culture as well!

A playstyle I enjoy a lot in EDF is using hammers to tank things. I'm not sure what the plate armours should get outside of defense formula being completely reworked so that +20 defense is as equal to +2 sword damage as the armour balance implies, but I would like for Suda to give a load of damage reduction and stagger immunity during its swings so it can be used as sort of offensive tanking. If the armours contributed to this damage reduction and stagger resistance, then all the better. The animations would also laster longer with ASD, so that's a cool possible interaction.

Never going, to happen, but we can always dream.

Imagen de Drischa

I've often wondered how plate sets could affect shields in some way to make them much tankier, but I never thought about how "survivability" doesn't have to mean straight up tanking, making them mobile is a novel idea and I like it.

Cradle Defence Force Deploys!

Imagen de Fehzors-Forum-Alt

So whenever I go to log on it has a robochecker to make sure I'm not a bot but if it pulls up pictures of crosswalks or some garbage with busses I give up. I'm starting to doubt whether I'm human or bot...

But wait! I do have something on topic to say this time! The new promissory note grants more normal defense the less health you have. Perhaps this would make an ancient plate bomber setup work well for the likes of dreams and nightmares-

Full Ancient
2x promissory note
HP sprite perk

Bombs with ctr high+

This could also open up the possibility of using ash of agni + salt bomb lmao. Someone needs to go try this when they can. I will if no one else, I just need the promissory notes XD

The poison spikes would be a huge menace to this setup but (assuming this setup works the way it ought to, which it may not for all I know) everything else would be a joke lol